Create or Modify SAP Content Servers in Studio - Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 22.1

You can use the SAP Content Servers button in OnBase Studio to create a new content server, or to modify an existing content server.


This button is only enabled if your system is licensed for Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink.

  1. Click on the SAP Content Servers button in the ribbon. The SAP Content Servers dialog is displayed.
  2. To create a new content server, select Add. To modify an existing content server, click Modify. In either case, the SAP Content Server Configuration dialog is displayed.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the content server in the Name field.
  4. Enter the URL for the content server in the Content server URL field. This is the name of the machine where the content server is installed, with the virtual directory appended to the end of the machine name. In a typical installation, the virtual directory would be named archivelink.

    For example: machinename/archivelink


    You do not need to include the http:// prefix for this field.

  5. Select the Use SSL check box if you want to use an HTTPS connection with this content server.
  6. Click OK.

You can locate a specific, existing SAP content server by entering text that will identify the SAP content server in the Find field. The SAP content servers displayed will be narrowed down to the SAP content servers that contain the characters entered.

You can modify an existing SAP content server by selecting it and clicking Modify.