Archiving Document Batches without Bar Codes - Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 22.1

You can archive documents from application queue batches that are in OnBase using the Archive Client function of the Unity Client for use with SAP ArchiveLink.

To archive a batch of documents, in SAP:

  1. Navigate to the OAWD transaction or any transaction where you would like to link a document.
  2. Find the appropriate document type that you want to store the document under and that is set up with the Storing for subsequent entry action.
  3. Double-click on the document type. The Storing for subsequent entry dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click Mass Archiving. If you are not already logged in to OnBase, you will be prompted to log in. The Unity Client for use with SAP ArchiveLink is displayed.
  5. Click the Archive Client button in the Integration Tools ribbon.

    The Archive Client and Document Viewer panes are displayed, as well as the Document ribbon.

  6. The Application Queue drop-down list in the Archive Client pane contains all of the application queues configured for your system. Select the application queue you want to archive documents from and click the Process button.
  7. The committed batches in the selected application queue are displayed in the Batches section. Select the batch you want to process.

    The documents in the batch are listed in the Documents section of the Archive Client pane, and a preview of the selected document is displayed in the Document Viewer Pane.


    See the Unity Client documentation for more information about the Document Viewer and document-specific ribbons.

  8. Select the documents that you want to process into the SAP system.
  9. Return to the Storing for subsequent entry SAP dialog box.
  10. To process one document at a time starting with the first selected document, click Create.

    To process all of the documents selected, click Mass Archiving.

    Once a document is processed, a message is displayed indicating that the link was successful and it is removed from the batch.

  11. When you are finished archiving documents from the batch, click the Stop button. Clicking Stop unlocks the batch and allows you to select another batch to process. Upon clicking Stop, the Process button is enabled again.