Configure General Settings - Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 23.1

Before a ArchiveLink Server will function properly, it must be configured to communicate with both the OnBase database and the SAP system. In order to successfully configure a repository, several settings must be set in OnBase ArchiveLink Administration. To configure settings:

  1. Expand the Configuration node.
  2. Click the Settings link. Several fields will already been populated based on values provided during the installation process.
  3. Specify the appropriate parameters.
  4. Click Save. Upon successful saving, a message stating Application Settings Saved is displayed.




    This is the name of the ADO.NET datasource that connects to the OnBase database used for the SAP Integration for ArchiveLink.


    This name must match the name of the connection string in the web.config file.


    This is the username of the OnBase user used for logging into OnBase. This must be a service account user. See User Names and Passwords Configuration in the Configuration documentation for further information about service accounts.


    This is the password for the user specified in the Username field.

    Address Book Location

    This is the location where the SAP address book (PBA.PSE) is stored. The location must include pba.pse at the end. For example:



    SAP account used for integration must have rights to this directory.

    Certificate Path

    Enter the path to the certificate folder created during installation. This is the location where certificates are temporarily stored before activation.


    SAP account used for integration must have rights to this directory.

    Certificate Password

    This is the password used for certificates.

    Default File Type

    Enter a default OnBase File type number for the ArchiveLink Server. When file types cannot be identified, the ArchiveLink Server will use the specified default file type. This is the file type created during installation.

    Default Protection

    The default protection box indicates the default SAP protection of a request. Each SAP request falls under one of 4 types: create, read, update, and delete. The first letter of each type indicates these permissions. Type crud in lower case letters in this field. Values entered in this field do not override the setting on the SAP server.

    Polling Period (in seconds)

    Number of seconds between polling.