Configuring Hyland.Logging to Use Durable HTTP - Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 23.1

Hyland.Logging can be configured to use Durable HTTP, which can be used with the Diagnostics Console, ELK, or several other third party SIEMs.


This method of using Durable HTTP currently does not function for Splunk routes.

Configuring a Durable HTTP route for the Diagnostics Service ensures that even if the Diagnostics Service is not properly functioning, logs are written to a file and logged to the established HTTP route once the service is restored. To configure Hyland.Logging to include a Durable HTTP route:

  1. Open the .config file.
  2. Locate the Hyland.Logging section of the file.
  3. In the Routes sub-section, add the following new route:
    <Route name="DurableHttpRoute">
    <add key="DurableHttp" value="http://localhost:8989"/>
    <add key="DurableBufferPath" value="FILE_LOCATION/BufferFileBaseName.json"/>
    <add key="DurableBufferRollingInterval " value="Date"/>
  4. Replace http://localhost:8989 values of the HTTP endpoint you are logging to.
  5. Replace FILE_LOCATION with the location on the hosting system where the log should be stored. For example, replacing FILE_LOCATION with C:\Logs\ sets all logs to be stored in the Logs folder on the C: drive of the specified HTTP endpoint.
  6. If desired, replace BufferFileBaseName.json with the desired name for the log file. This name is used for all log files, appended with the specified rolling interval, set to Date by default.
  7. If desired, replace Date with the desired interval for new files to be created. This value can be set to Hour, Date, Week, Month, or Year.
  8. Save the file and restart the application.