Planning Your Configuration - Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 22.1

Because OnBase configuration is tightly integrated with SharePoint configuration, you should configure your SharePoint solution with OnBase in mind.

OnBase Document Types and Keyword Types can be mapped to SharePoint content types and columns at different levels of the SharePoint site hierarchy. Mappings applied at higher levels are inherited by content types and columns at lower levels. Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint accommodates the following mapping schemes:

  • Content types can be mapped to OnBase Document Types at the site collection level. These mappings are then inherited by every instance of the content types at lower site levels.

  • Content types can be mapped to OnBase Document Types at every instance of a list or document library within your site.

  • Content types can be mapped at the site collection level and then overridden by individual lists or document libraries.

Document Type mappings configured at higher levels can be overridden at lower levels, but the Keyword Type mappings cannot. Although you cannot break the inheritance of Keyword Types, you can work around it. For example, if you mapped a Document Type and Keyword Type at the top-level site, you can map a different Document Type that has different Keyword Types at the document library or list level. Similarly, you can create custom content types and columns in SharePoint, and then map these to different Document Types and Keyword Types.


Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups (MIKG) are not supported in Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint.