Configuring List Options - Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 22.1

The Content Connector attaches uploaded documents to list items based on the column-to-Keyword Type mapping configured on the content type. If a list item has a column value that matches the Keyword value on the OnBase document, the document is attached to the list item. If no match is found, then the Content Connector either does not upload the document to SharePoint, or it creates the list item to attach the document to.

The following options let you define the mappings on which matches are based and control whether the Content Connector creates new list items for documents if a matching item is not found.

  1. If necessary, select a column group from the Select columns from drop-down list.
  2. From Available columns, select the column-to-Keyword Type mapping you want to use to match OnBase documents to list items. The mapped OnBase Keyword Type is displayed within parentheses next to each column type.
  3. Click Add. Repeat for each column type required to match documents to list items. If multiple column mappings are added, then OnBase documents must satisfy all of the added conditions to be successfully added to the SharePoint list.
  4. Select Create List Item if you want the Content Connector to create a new list item if a matching list item cannot be found.

    If Create List Item is not selected, then documents that do not have matching list items are discarded from the process and not uploaded to SharePoint. Clear this option to filter out documents that do not match an existing list item.

  5. Click OK.
    In the configuration shown above, documents uploaded to SharePoint are attached to list items where the value of the PO # column matches the value of the PO # Keyword Type. If a matching list item is not found, the Content Connector creates a new list item for the document.