Adding a Unique Icon for Archived Documents (SharePoint 2019) - Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 22.1

When a document has been archived to OnBase and removed from the SharePoint database, the following icon can be displayed next to the document name.

To have this icon displayed next to OnBase documents:

  1. Open the DOCICON.xml file in a text editor. For SharePoint 2019, this file is located in the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\16\TEMPLATE\XML
  2. Under the <ByExtension> element, add the following text on one line:
    <Mapping Key="obctx" Value="loclib16.GIF" OpenControl="OnBase.OpenDocuments" />
  3. Save the file.