Installing the Content Connector Service (SharePoint 2019) - Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 22.1

The Content Connector service checks for and uploads batches of OnBase documents to SharePoint. Install this service on a server where OnBase Configuration Management is installed, not a Web Front End (WFE) machine.


The Content Connector does not work with Kerberos authentication. If the SharePoint site is set up for Kerberos authentication instead of NT, then the Content Connector cannot connect to the site.

  1. Copy the Content Connector folder from your installation source files to the server.
    This folder is located in the following directory of the OnBase Core Services build: ..\install\SharePoint\SharePoint 2019\Content Connector
  2. Open the Hyland.Applications.Sharepoint.Connector.NTService.exe.config file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the following values:
    • AppNetRoot- Set to the dmsVirtualRoot of the OnBase Web Server.

    • ProcessInterval- Set to the interval, in milliseconds, that the Content Connector checks for new documents. The default value is 5000 milliseconds, or 5 seconds. Depending on your solution, you may want the Content Connector to check for and upload newly committed batches less frequently. When choosing an interval, keep in mind that lower intervals can reduce server performance.

    • ServiceAccountUsername- Set to the service account user name.

    • ServiceAccountPassword- Set to the service account password.

  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Open a Run dialog box by selecting Start | Run.
  6. Delete any existing values from the Open field in the Run dialog box. By default, the Open field contains the name of the last file or folder you opened.
  7. Drag the Hyland.Applications.Sharepoint.Connector.NTService.exe file from its copied location to the Run dialog box. Double-check to ensure you are using the .exe file.
  8. After the end of the file name, add a space and type /install.
  9. Click OK. The service is installed and available in the Windows Services console as Hyland SharePoint Content Connector.
  10. Open the Services console by entering services.msc in a Run dialog box.
  11. Double-click Hyland SharePoint Content Connector.
  12. Click the Log On tab.
  13. Select This account.
  14. Enter the credentials of a domain user who has SharePoint Contribute permissions to the lists and libraries that the Content Connector needs to update. If the OnBase Web Server is not configured for anonymous access, then this user must also be a valid account that the IIS server running the Web Server can authenticate.

    If the Content Connector is configured to create list items, the user account entered here will be displayed as the items' creator in SharePoint.

  15. Click OK.
  16. Restart the Hyland SharePoint Content Connector service.