Emailing Documents - Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

Content Connector for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 22.1

There are two ways to email documents that you have retrieved:

  • From the Document Search Results list, you can email one or more documents.

  • From an open document, you can send the open document to an email recipient.


If you are sending an email through the Web Client using Microsoft Outlook, ensure that Outlook is open before attempting to send your email message.

Either method attaches a copy of the document(s) to an email message with the attachment name(s) included in the body text, which you then can edit and send.

Depending on your system's configuration, the file name for the attachment may be based on the document's Auto-Name, the document's Print Title, or it may be an automatically generated attachment ID. If an attachment's name is not unique, for example, because you are sending two files with the same Auto-Name, then OnBase makes the name unique by appending _(underscore) followed by a number.

Certain characters are not allowed in file names. If these characters appear in the document's Auto-Name, they are substituted with other characters that are allowed. Substitutions are as follows:

Auto-Name Character

Replaced With

\ and /



















