Introduction - DJDE Input Filter - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

DJDE Input Filter

DJDE Input Filter
Foundation 22.1

Although the licensed name of the product is DJDE Input Filter, in the software and this manual it is referred to as the DJDE Processor or simply DJDE.

Since the DJDE Processor is an enhancement to the capabilities of the COLD/ERM module, many of the same configuration requirements for COLD/ERM processing must also be met for DJDE processing. These include identification of the file to be processed, selection of a document type, identification of Keyword Values, location of an identification string in the DJDE file, and the definition of an optional continuation string. Unicode files are not currently supported for import using the DJDE processor.

DJDE (Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry) is a specific document description language used by Xerox® Corporation for system-managed high-speed centralized printing. DJDE files are generated by a mainframe computer, and then sent to a printer as a print stream that contains data and data-specific print packets.

The OnBase DJDE module processes DJDE data streams into visually appealing electronic documents which can then be retrieved by users across the enterprise. The Visual DJDE interface provides point-and-click configurability for DJDE Processor parameters using standard DJDE components:

  • DJDE data streams (.txt format) contain the data that will be parsed into individual documents in OnBase.

  • Graphic Font Files (bitmap fonts) are pixellated fonts used to create visually appealing documents. Thousands of bitmap fonts are available for customization of documents. Each font used in processing documents is saved to the database.

  • .fsl (Form Source Language) files contain the information necessary to present individual documents in an appealing format.

  • .jsl (Job Source Library) files contain system printer information necessary to process DJDE in OnBase.

The DJDE Processor extends the capabilities of the COLD/ERM module by working directly with DJDE files, while maintaining the specialized formatting associated with DJDE documents such as graphics, bolding, and underlining.


LOGO graphic files and FRM compiled files are not supported by DJDE. In order to be compatible with OnBase, LOGO graphics must be re-configured as image (IMG) files. FSL files should not be compiled into a FRM file type.

Documents processed from DJDE have the same capabilities of any other documents in the document management system. For example, they can be configured to be viewed or printed with overlays or cross-referenced to other documents. With appropriate licensing, they can be added to a Document Retention schedule or Workflow process.

Users with appropriate rights and privileges can access DJDE documents through the Document Retrieval window and can view, print, or fax documents immediately. This can significantly improve customer service response times and optimize administrative tasks.

  • Users can view and print the documents at their workstations (Host and workstation printouts look the same.)

  • Documents can be directly e-mailed or faxed from within the system without ever having to print the document on pre-printed statement letterhead.