Ensure DJDE files are in an Appropriate File System Location - DJDE Input Filter - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

DJDE Input Filter

DJDE Input Filter
Foundation 23.1

The OnBase DJDE module uses several components to process data streams into visually appealing electronic Documents. In order for the configuration to process correctly, the components must be in the correct relative relationship to each other in the file system.

  1. Create the following folder hierarchy:
    • The folders can reside in any location that is accessible for the person configuring and running the DJDE process.

    • The DJDE folder can be named anything appropriate for System Administrators to identify the contents as those for DJDE processing.

    • The remaining three folder names (GraphicFonts, PrintFiles, ResourceFiles) must be exactly as shown and must reside inside the main folder as shown.

  2. In the ResourceFiles folder, place all .fsl Files and .jsl files.
    • .fsl (Form Source Language) files contain the information necessary to present individual Documents in an appealing format.

    • .jsl (Job Source Library) files contain system printer information necessary to process DJDE in OnBase.

  3. In the PrintFiles folder, place all DJDE data streams (.txt format.) These .txt files contain the data that will be parsed into individual Documents in OnBase.
  4. In the GraphicFonts folder, place all GraphicFonts that will be used in the parsed Documents. Graphic Font Files are bitmap font files that are used to create visually appealing documents.
    Ensure all users that will be retrieving Documents created from DJDE processing have rights to the GraphicFonts folder location on the network.