Monitor Database Space - DJDE Input Filter - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

DJDE Input Filter

DJDE Input Filter
Foundation 23.1

As documents are processed into OnBase, the database will grow. Growth depends on the number of documents, the number of Keyword Types and Keyword Values, as well as other processes in OnBase those documents are a part of, such as Workflow. With every OnBase system, the database should be periodically checked. Even if the database has been configured for restricted growth, it is better to anticipate reaching that point rather than encountering it during processing.

There are several ways to verify the size of a database. One is to observe the database files themselves as well as the log file and determine the total amount of space consumed. In addition, databases may have specific size requirements for different database files. The database server software itself will detail the statistics for the files including how much space is currently being used and how much is available. If the database was sized during installation, only the database server software can detail how much is in use.