IntelligentCaptureAPSettings Sub-Element - Data Capture Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Data Capture Server Deployment Guide

Data Capture Server
Foundation 23.1

<IntelligentCaptureAPSettings> Attributes



This option controls whether Intelligent Capture for AP processing is allowed on the workstation.

By default, this setting is set to true, and the Data Capture Server Windows Service automatically polls the ICAP processing queue at regular intervals and processes any documents there. If the OnBase environment is licensed for Intelligent Capture for AP but this setting is set to false, this instance of the Data Capture Server will not activate its Intelligent Capture for AP processor.


This option sets the number of documents that the Intelligent Capture for AP engine can process at the same time. This setting allows control of how many resources the ICAP engine can use on the workstation.

For example, if ConcurrentDocumentCount="2", then this instance of the Intelligent Capture for AP engine can process up to two documents at the same time.

By default, this setting is set to 0, which sets the number of concurrent documents equal to the total number of CPU cores in the workstation, including hyper-threading. For virtual environments, this value is the number of cores assigned to the client VM, not the host machine.


Setting this value to more than double the number of CPU cores available may cause performance degradation due to over-saturation of available resources.


This option sets the highest limit at which a captured value's Suspect Level score is considered acceptable by the Intelligent Capture for AP engine (0-100).

By default, the SuspectValueThreshold setting is set to 70, meaning that a captured value must have a Suspect Level score of 70 or lower to be marked as acceptable. Any captured value with a score that exceeds 70 is marked as suspect and is sent for manual review via index verification.


Setting a threshold of 100 ensures that all captured values are marked as acceptable, because all results would fall below the threshold limit. Setting a threshold of 0 ensures that all captured values are marked as suspect, because all results would exceed the threshold limit.


This option controls whether any PO Number extracted from a document during ICAP processing must be validated by a regular expression configured in the PONumberRegExID setting. If a PO Number can be matched to the configured regular expression without the use of tags, the PO Number can be used to trigger an AutoFill Keyword Set, which greatly increases the accuracy of vendor identification for PO invoices.

By default, the RequirePOReqExMatch setting is not present in the Hyland.DataCapture.Server.exe.config file; it must be added manually. To reject any extracted PO Number values that do not match the regular expression configured in the PONumberRegExID setting, set the RequirePOReqExMatch setting to true. To accept extracted PO Number values without regard to the PONumberRegExID setting, set the RequirePOReqExMatch setting to false.



This setting is only respected if the RequirePORegExMatch setting is set to true.

This option sets the ID value(s) of the regular expression(s) that any extracted PO Number values must match in order to be retained and used in conjunction with an AutoFill Keyword Set for accurate vendor identification during ICAP processing. This option can be set to multiple values separated by vertical bars (" | ").

By default, the PONumberRegExID setting is not present in the Hyland.DataCapture.Server.exe.config file; it must be added manually. To specify the regular expression(s) any extracted PO Number values must match to be retained, set the PONumberRegExID setting to the ID value(s) of the appropriate regular expression(s) (e.g., PONumberRegExID="135|215|324").


Regular expression ID values must be retrieved from your database. For more information, contact Database Services.


This option controls whether line item extraction is enabled during ICAP processing. When line item extraction is enabled, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel is displayed during index verification in the Unity Client.

By default, the PerformLineItemExtraction setting is not present in the Hyland.DataCapture.Server.exe.config file; it must be added manually. In this default state, line item extraction is enabled for ICAP processing. To disable line item extraction, set the PerformLineItemExtraction setting to false. To enable line item extraction, set the PerformLineItemExtraction setting to true.


It is recommended that line item extraction only be disabled for troubleshooting purposes.


This option controls whether the workstation is limited to processing batches only in specific scan queues for Intelligent Capture for AP. This function can be used to load-balance Intelligent Capture for AP scan queues to specific workstations.

By default, this setting is set to false, which allows the Data Capture Server to process batches in all scan queues enabled for Intelligent Capture for AP. If this setting is set to true, the specific scan queues to be processed must be specified in the WorkstationSpecificScanQueueID setting.


If this setting is set to true but no scan queues are specified in the WorkstationSpecificScanQueueID setting, the Data Capture Server will ignore all scan queues enabled for Intelligent Capture for AP and processing will not be performed.



This setting is only respected if the ProcessSpecificScanQueuesOnWorkstation setting is set to true.

This option sets the ID values of the scan queues that are allowed to be processed for Intelligent Capture for AP. This option can be set to multiple values separated by vertical bars (" | ").

To specify the scan queues that can be used for processing, set the WorkstationSpecificScanQueueID setting to the ID values of the appropriate scan queues (e.g., WorkstationSpecificScanQueueID="101|103|205").



This setting only applies to Keyword Types that have been mapped to the Invoice Date capture data type.

This option defines a range of valid invoice dates. Intelligent Capture for AP uses this range to increase the accuracy and efficiency of ICAP Processing. Specifically, the current date and any prior dates that are within < InvoiceDateRange > day(s) of the current date are considered valid.


When InvoiceDateRange="0", every date is treated as a valid date. By default, this option is set to 0.

If an identified invoice date is not within the defined range of valid dates, Intelligent Capture for AP will attempt to reformat the corresponding Keyword Value to fit within the range of valid dates. If an identified invoice date is not within the range of valid dates and that date cannot be reformatted to fit within the range of valid dates, the Keyword Value corresponding to that date will be marked as suspect.

For example, if InvoiceDateRange="31", and the current date is February 15, 2017, then this instance of the Intelligent Capture for AP engine will treat any prior date that is within 31 days of February 15, 2017 as valid.

Continuing the example from above, if an invoice date is read as 01/02/2017, Intelligent Capture for AP will set the corresponding Keyword Value to 02/01/2017. If an invoice date is read as 12/15/2015, the date cannot be reformatted to fit within the range and, therefore, the Keyword Value corresponding to that date will be marked as suspect.


This option must not be modified unless instructed to do so by Technical Support.


This option must not be modified unless instructed to do so by Technical Support.