OcrSettings Sub-Element - Data Capture Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Data Capture Server Deployment Guide

Data Capture Server
Foundation 23.1

<OcrSettings> Attributes



This option controls the maximum number of pages that can undergo OCR processing in a session before a new OCR worker process is automatically started.


This setting is based on the developer's recommendations for the OCR engine. It should not be changed unless you are instructed to do so by Technical Support.


This option controls the maximum number of hours that the OCR engine can run in a session before a new OCR worker process is automatically started.

The value for this option can be set as a double number (i.e., a number with decimal places). For example, a period of 1 hour and 15 minutes would be set as 1.25.


This setting is based on the developer's recommendations for the OCR engine. It should not be changed unless you are instructed to do so by Technical Support.


This option controls the maximum number of documents each OCR worker can process simultaneously.

The value for this option represents the divisor in the OCR worker formulas referenced in Licensing and OCR Worker Processes. By default, this value is set to 4.

To reduce the number of threads per worker (and, consequently, to increase the total number of workers created), you must add the MaxThreadsPerWorker setting to the Hyland.DataCapture.Server.exe.config file and set it to a positive integer less than 4 (e.g., MaxThreadsPerWorker="1").


This setting may be useful for debugging purposes.


This option controls the total number of on-demand OCR workers that are created for OCR processing on the Data Capture Server.

The value for this option overrides the value calculated by the OCR worker formula referenced in Institutional Licenses.

To override the license setting (that is, for debugging purposes for Interactive Data Capture or OCR for Application Enabler), you must add the OnDemandWorkerCount setting to the Hyland.DataCapture.Server.exe.config file and set it to a positive integer (for example, OnDemandWorkerCount="1").

To revert to the value calculated by the OCR worker formula, set the OnDemandWorkerCount setting to 0.


This option controls the number of seconds the Data Capture Server Windows Service is permitted to take when sending data to an OCR worker process. If the data has not been sent within the allotted time, the process is abandoned.

By default, the WorkerTimeoutInterval setting is set to 180 (i.e., 180 seconds = 3 minutes).


This option contains the path to the folder containing the OCR engine installation files.

This value is set during installation.