Expected Growth Rate of Each DBSpace - Database Reference Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reference Guide

Database Reference Guide
Foundation 23.1

OnBase is a document repository that only grows over time. A challenge for any DBA working with an OnBase solution is anticipating which DBSpaces will grow the most and, subsequently, ensuring that adequate space is available. The growth for each space and the rate of growth are heavily dependent on the solution.


Growth Characteristics


  • On average, DBSpace1 is the largest DBSpace, as it grows quickly due to the logging information stored within.

  • In a highly transactional system (one that has many keyword changes, document views, frequent users logins/logouts), this space can grow rapidly and can become quite large.

  • If logs are purged regularly, this space will eventually reach a fairly static size.


  • DBSpace3 and DBSpace3i will not grow unless Dual Table Alphanumeric Keyword Types are in use.

  • For a solution where Dual Table Alphanumerics are in use, these spaces will grow according to the number and size of the Dual Table Alphanumeric Keyword Types.

  • Note that most System-created Alphanumeric Keyword Types are configured to be Dual Table, and cannot be modified.



  • The size of DBSpace8 will remain fairly static, as changes to Configuration (new Document Types, Keyword Types, etc.) typically occur on a small scale once a solution is in place.


    Logging information for the HL7 Listener is stored in DBSpace8 by default. When using the HL7 module, the size of DBSpace8 may grow quickly. For more information on the HL7 module, see the HL7 Module module reference guide.

  • Depending on the OnBase release used for initial implementation, WorkView tables may also exist on PRIMARY.


  • DBSpace10 grows slower than other spaces; primary growth is from batch information.

  • If the number of documents in Workflow is consistent, the size of the tables and indexes that store that information will remain static (assuming minimal index fragmentation).

  • Growth is typically not seen unless a new Workflow process is implemented or changes in batch processing occur.


  • Growth of the PRIMARY filegroup will depend on the size and utilization of the WorkView implementation.

  • Depending on the OnBase release used for initial implementation, WorkView tables may also exist on DBSpace8.


  • DBSpaces 2, 2i, 6, 6i, 7 (if foldering is used), 9, and 9i will continue to grow as long as documents are added to the system.

  • The amount of growth in these tables will depend on the number of documents per month.

  • DBSpaces 6 and 6i will grow significantly if there are a large number of keywords.

  • If Document Retention is utilized to purge documents on a regular basis, these spaces may also reach a static size or exhibit a decreased rate of growth.





