With version 11g, Oracle changed the default behavior for password expiration. Previously, user passwords did not expire unless explicitly specified. In 11g, the default profile has an expiration of 180 days. If left unchanged, user accounts for the OnBase database (including hsi, hsicore, and hsinet) will expire. If this occurs, parts of the application may not be accessible until the user passwords are reset. Listed below are two options for Oracle DBAs to implement to avoid this issue:
Change the default profile in Oracle for PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME to UNLIMITED.
Create a new profile, set PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME to UNLIMITED, and then assign all OnBase users (hsi, hsicore, hsinet, and all workstation users) to that new profile.
New users are created within the database as new workstations log on to OnBase. Therefore, the DBA will need to check for those new users on a regular basis, and assign them to the alternate profile.