Oracle - Database Reference Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reference Guide

Database Reference Guide
Foundation 23.1

Oracle allows you to check the integrity of a database using the DBVERIFY utility or the VALIDATE function in RMAN. DBVERIFY can be used to check data files that are either online or offline, and it also allows you to specify a portion of a data file. You can also use ANALYZE to check one table and its indexes, but this must be performed against each table individually. The RMAN VALIDATE command can be used in conjunction with database backup or restore processes, and can also be used separately to perform integrity validation on the active database, a backup set, individual datafiles, or blocks.

If you find corruption in your database, it is recommended that you restore the database from a backup. Then, perform a DBVERIFY or RMAN validation of the backup file before beginning recovery in order to verify that the backup is not corrupted. Refer to Oracle documentation for more information on using DBVERIFY and RMAN VALIDATE.