The ARCHIVEDQUEUE and PARSEDQUEUE tables both have a status field. This field is very important as it designates the queue in which the batch currently exists (e.g., Awaiting Commit, Committed). The status numbers in the database are the same for both batch tables. The table below lists all the possible batch statuses along with their mappings to an OnBase queue.
OnBase Queue (Archived/Parsed Queue) |
Status Value |
Awaiting Indexing |
0 |
Incomplete Process/Index In Progress |
1 |
Awaiting Commit |
2 |
Incomplete Commit |
3, 4, 5, 6 |
Committed |
8 |
Incomplete Purge |
9 |
Awaiting OCR |
14 |
Checked Out Disconnected Scanning |
17 |
Disconnected Scan Incomplete Upload |
18 |
Incomplete Archive |
19 |
Secondary Awaiting Index |
20 |
Secondary Index in Progress |
21 |
Failed Automatic OCR |
22 |
Awaiting Doc Separation |
23 |
Line Item Separation (Image Segment Archiver Queue) |
24 |
ADF Error Queue |
25 |
Awaiting Re-Index |
26 |
Re-Index in Progress |
27 |
Check Error Queue |
28 |
ADF Decisioning Queue |
29 |
Administrator Repair |
30 |
Awaiting QA Image Quality Review |
31 |
Awaiting QA Review |
32 |
Awaiting QA ReScan |
33 |
Awaiting Manager Resolution |
34 |
Awaiting QA Re-Index |
35 |
QA Re-Index in Progress |
36 |
In process |
37 |
Awaiting PDF Conversion |
38 |
Scheduled Processes |
39 |
Error Correction Queue |
40 |
Awaiting Transfer to Host (SAP Early Archiving) |
41 |
Awaiting External Index |
43 |
Awaiting Barcode Processing |
44 |
ADF Decision Error Queue |
45 |
Awaiting Image Process |
46 |
Custom Process |
47 |
Ad Hoc Re-scan |
48 |
Branch Capture Balancing Queue |
49 |
Branch Capture In Process Queue |
50 |
Awaiting Zonal OCR |
51 |
Awaiting Ad Hoc Zonal OCR |
52 |
Pull Slips |
53 |
Awaiting Ad Hoc Verification |
54 |
QA Review In Progress |
55 |
Synchronization Pending |
56 |
Synchronization Complete |
57 |
Synchronization Failed |
58 |
Synchronization Queued |
59 |
Synchronization Processed |
60 |
Export Awaiting Transfer |
61 |
Export Pending Verification |
62 |
Export Complete |
63 |
Export Error |
64 |
Synchronization History |
65 |
Doc Transfer Export Hisory |
66 |
Awaiting Formless Indexing |
67 |
Awaiting Queue Sorting |
68 |