CHART - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The CHART table stores one record for every patient visit or chart in a Medical Records Management application or other chart-based implementation of OnBase. The primary key on this table is chtnum, which is the unique identifier for every chart in the system. The chtnum of a chart is linked to many other pieces of information about the chart. The CHART table is located in DBSpace1.

CHART Table Values
Column Name Data Type Description
chtnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of a chart object.

chtidnumber char(20)

The Patient Account Number, Episode Number, or Visit Number.

chttitle char(100)

The auto-name string of the chart.

mpinumber char(20) The Master Patient Index Number for the patient; a unique identifier of the patient across facilities.
medrecnumber char(20)

The Medical Record Number for the patient; a unique identifier of a patient across multiple visits within one or multiple facilities.

mrnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the patient’s Medical Record Number.
facilitynum bigint The internal unique identifier of the medical Facility; a foreign key to the MEDFACILITY table.
defchtgroupnum bigint Not implemented.
dptnum bigint

Associates chart with a hospital department; a foreign key to the MEDDEPARTMENT table.

defunitnum bigint

Associates chart with a hospital unit; a foreign key to the MEDUNIT table.

nursestationnum bigint

The unique identifier of the Nursing Station; foreign key to the NURSINGSTATION table.

bed char(9)

The patient’s bed number.

ptfirstname char(20)

The patient’s first name.

ptlastname char(30)

The patient’s last name.

ptdob datetime

The patient’s date of birth.

ptsex bigint

The patient’s gender: 0 = Undefined, 1 = Male, 2 = Female, 3 = Other, 4 = Ambiguous.

ptdischargestat bigint

Indicates whether or not the chart has been discharged: 0 = undefined, 1 = discharged, 2 = not discharged.

NOTE: This value does not actually control any logic within Medical Records processing.

admittypenum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the chart’s admit type; a foreign key to the ADMITTYPE table.

daystodelay bigint

Not implemented.

admitdate datetime

Date the patient was admitted.

dischargedate datetime

Date the patient was discharged (1964-01-01 00:00:00 if not yet discharged).

admitphysnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the chart’s admitting physician; a foreign key to the PHYSICIANINFO table.
attendphysnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the chart’s attending physician; a foreign key to the PHYSICIANINFO table.
chtstatus bigint The current status of the chart. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
chtanalysisreq bigint Internal processing status using sequential coding and analysis.
primarydiagnosis char(10) The primary diagnosis for the patient’s chart.
lenghtofstay bigint The length of the patient’s stay in days.
chtlockusernum bigint Not implemented.
availablemrdate datetime Date the chart is available for processing by the Medical Records Management processors.
uiprefnum bigint Reference to the chart’s tab configuration; a foreign key to the UIPREF table.
chtrevnum bigint Not implemented.
vipflag bigint Indicates whether or not the patient is a VIP: 0 = Not VIP, 1 = VIP.
hoursonhold bigint The total number of hours the chart was suspended within Analysis or Reanalysis.
mpinum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the patient’s Master Patient Index number; a foreign key to the MSTRPTINDEX table.

holdusernum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user that suspended the chart within Analysis or Reanalysis; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
holddate datetime The date and time that the chart was suspended within Analysis or Reanalysis.
onhold bigint Indicates whether the chart is currently suspended within Analysis or Reanalysis: 0 = not suspended, 1 = suspended.
holdreason bigint The user-entered reason for suspending the chart within Analysis or Reanalysis.
holdhours bigint The user-entered number of hours to suspend the chart within Analysis or Reanalysis.
codingholdusernum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user who suspended the chart within Coding; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
codingholduserdate datetime The date and time that the chart was suspended within Coding.
codingonhold bigint Indicates whether the chart is currently suspended within Coding: 0 = not suspended, 1 = suspended.
codingholdreason char(250) The user-entered reason for suspending the chart within Coding.
codingholdhours bigint The user-entered number of hours to suspend the chart within Coding.
needsreviewcode bigint Stores multiple values indicating why chart is in Needs Review Queue. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
datereanalyzed datetime The date and time the chart completed reanalysis.
decisioning bigint

Describes the admit type requirements for Coding and Analysis at the time the chart was first processed. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)

altmedrecnumber char(20) External visit ID number.
encountertype char(20) Extra information related to the encounter type.
patientclass char(20) Admit system patient classification ID.
patienttype char(20) Facility-specific patient type classification.
encountercomment char(50) Encounter-specific comments from admit system.
ptmiddlename char(36) Patient’s middle name.
mrcontrolsys bigint Application that controls this chart (i.e., MRMS, Epic, Eclipsys). (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
wfitemnum bigint Internal unique identifier that represents the virtual eform used to route the chart through Workflow; foreign key to ITEMDATA.

The indexes for the CHART table are located in DBSpace1

CHART Table Indexes
Index Name Included Columns
chart1 chtnum, facilitynum
chart2 dischargedate, chtstatus
chart3 onhold
chart4 codingonhold
chart5 chtidnumber, mrnum, ptssn
chart6 mpinum
chart7 chtstatus, datereanalyzed
chart8 dpptnum
chart9 admittypenum
chart10 ptlastname, ptfirstname
chart11 medrecnumber
chart12 mpinumber
chart13 dischargedate
chart14 admitdate
chart15 mrnum
chart16 wfitemnum
chart17 admitdate, chtstatus