The CHART table stores one record for every patient visit or chart in a Medical Records Management application or other chart-based implementation of OnBase. The primary key on this table is chtnum, which is the unique identifier for every chart in the system. The chtnum of a chart is linked to many other pieces of information about the chart. The CHART table is located in DBSpace1.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
chtnum | bigint |
The internal unique identifier of a chart object. |
chtidnumber | char(20) |
The Patient Account Number, Episode Number, or Visit Number. |
chttitle | char(100) |
The auto-name string of the chart. |
mpinumber | char(20) | The Master Patient Index Number for the patient; a unique identifier of the patient across facilities. |
medrecnumber | char(20) |
The Medical Record Number for the patient; a unique identifier of a patient across multiple visits within one or multiple facilities. |
mrnum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the patient’s Medical Record Number. |
facilitynum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the medical Facility; a foreign key to the MEDFACILITY table. |
defchtgroupnum | bigint | Not implemented. |
dptnum | bigint |
Associates chart with a hospital department; a foreign key to the MEDDEPARTMENT table. |
defunitnum | bigint |
Associates chart with a hospital unit; a foreign key to the MEDUNIT table. |
nursestationnum | bigint |
The unique identifier of the Nursing Station; foreign key to the NURSINGSTATION table. |
bed | char(9) |
The patient’s bed number. |
ptfirstname | char(20) |
The patient’s first name. |
ptlastname | char(30) |
The patient’s last name. |
ptdob | datetime |
The patient’s date of birth. |
ptsex | bigint |
The patient’s gender: 0 = Undefined, 1 = Male, 2 = Female, 3 = Other, 4 = Ambiguous. |
ptdischargestat | bigint |
Indicates whether or not the chart has been discharged: 0 = undefined, 1 = discharged, 2 = not discharged. NOTE: This value does not actually control any logic within Medical Records processing. |
admittypenum | bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the chart’s admit type; a foreign key to the ADMITTYPE table. |
daystodelay | bigint |
Not implemented. |
admitdate | datetime |
Date the patient was admitted. |
dischargedate | datetime |
Date the patient was discharged (1964-01-01 00:00:00 if not yet discharged). |
admitphysnum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the chart’s admitting physician; a foreign key to the PHYSICIANINFO table. |
attendphysnum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the chart’s attending physician; a foreign key to the PHYSICIANINFO table. |
chtstatus | bigint | The current status of the chart. (See Appendix for enumeration values.) |
chtanalysisreq | bigint | Internal processing status using sequential coding and analysis. |
primarydiagnosis | char(10) | The primary diagnosis for the patient’s chart. |
lenghtofstay | bigint | The length of the patient’s stay in days. |
chtlockusernum | bigint | Not implemented. |
availablemrdate | datetime | Date the chart is available for processing by the Medical Records Management processors. |
uiprefnum | bigint | Reference to the chart’s tab configuration; a foreign key to the UIPREF table. |
chtrevnum | bigint | Not implemented. |
vipflag | bigint | Indicates whether or not the patient is a VIP: 0 = Not VIP, 1 = VIP. |
hoursonhold | bigint | The total number of hours the chart was suspended within Analysis or Reanalysis. |
mpinum | bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the patient’s Master Patient Index number; a foreign key to the MSTRPTINDEX table. |
holdusernum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the user that suspended the chart within Analysis or Reanalysis; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table. |
holddate | datetime | The date and time that the chart was suspended within Analysis or Reanalysis. |
onhold | bigint | Indicates whether the chart is currently suspended within Analysis or Reanalysis: 0 = not suspended, 1 = suspended. |
holdreason | bigint | The user-entered reason for suspending the chart within Analysis or Reanalysis. |
holdhours | bigint | The user-entered number of hours to suspend the chart within Analysis or Reanalysis. |
codingholdusernum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the user who suspended the chart within Coding; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table. |
codingholduserdate | datetime | The date and time that the chart was suspended within Coding. |
codingonhold | bigint | Indicates whether the chart is currently suspended within Coding: 0 = not suspended, 1 = suspended. |
codingholdreason | char(250) | The user-entered reason for suspending the chart within Coding. |
codingholdhours | bigint | The user-entered number of hours to suspend the chart within Coding. |
needsreviewcode | bigint | Stores multiple values indicating why chart is in Needs Review Queue. (See Appendix for enumeration values.) |
datereanalyzed | datetime | The date and time the chart completed reanalysis. |
decisioning | bigint |
Describes the admit type requirements for Coding and Analysis at the time the chart was first processed. (See Appendix for enumeration values.) |
altmedrecnumber | char(20) | External visit ID number. |
encountertype | char(20) | Extra information related to the encounter type. |
patientclass | char(20) | Admit system patient classification ID. |
patienttype | char(20) | Facility-specific patient type classification. |
encountercomment | char(50) | Encounter-specific comments from admit system. |
ptmiddlename | char(36) | Patient’s middle name. |
mrcontrolsys | bigint | Application that controls this chart (i.e., MRMS, Epic, Eclipsys). (See Appendix for enumeration values.) |
wfitemnum | bigint | Internal unique identifier that represents the virtual eform used to route the chart through Workflow; foreign key to ITEMDATA. |
The indexes for the CHART table are located in DBSpace1
Index Name | Included Columns |
chart1 | chtnum, facilitynum |
chart2 | dischargedate, chtstatus |
chart3 | onhold |
chart4 | codingonhold |
chart5 | chtidnumber, mrnum, ptssn |
chart6 | mpinum |
chart7 | chtstatus, datereanalyzed |
chart8 | dpptnum |
chart9 | admittypenum |
chart10 | ptlastname, ptfirstname |
chart11 | medrecnumber |
chart12 | mpinumber |
chart13 | dischargedate |
chart14 | admitdate |
chart15 | mrnum |
chart16 | wfitemnum |
chart17 | admitdate, chtstatus |