CHARTANALYSIS - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The CHARTANALYSIS table stores rows related to the processing of a chart through Coding, Analysis, Completion, Reanalysis, and other Medical Records Management queues. An individual chart (chtnum) may have one-to-many associated rows in the CHARTANALYSIS table indicating multiple simultaneous processes. The CHARTANALYSIS table is located in DBSpace1.

Column Name Data Type Description
chtnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of a chart object; a foreign key to the CHART table.

chtstatus bigint The status of the chart in one of many queues. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
availablephys datetime The date and time the associated chart became available to the physician.
analystnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user account that was assigned to the chart in the Analysis queue; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
dateanalyzed datetime The date and time that the associated chart completed Analysis. (1964-01-01 00:00:00 if not yet completed or if not applicable.)
dateadded datetime The date and time that the associated chart was added to the process represented by the CHTSTATUS column.
reanalystnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user account that was assigned to the chart in the Reanalysis queue; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
datereanalyzed datetime The date and time that the associated chart completed Reanalysis. (1964-01-01 00:00:00 if not yet completed or if not applicable.)
holdreason char(250) Not implemented.
physusernum bigint The internal unique identifier of the physician user account that is assigned to the chart in a Completion queue; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables.
opendfcy bigint Indicates whether the associated chart has pending (open) deficiencies for the specified PHYSUSERNUM. 0 = No Deficiencies, 1 = Open Deficiencies.
chtqueuetxnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the transaction log row associated with the CHARTANALYSIS row; a foreign key to the CHARTQUEUETXLOG table.
mrocontrolsys bigint Application that controls this CHARTANALYSIS row (i.e., MRMS, Epic, Eclipsys). (See Appendix for enumeration values.)

The indexes for the CHARTANALYSIS table are located in DBSpace1.

Index Name Indexed Columns
chartanalysis1 chtnum
chartanalysis2 chstatus, chtnum
chartanalysis3 analystnum, chstatus, chtnum
chartanalysis4 reanalystnum, chstatus, chtnum
chartanalysis5 physusernum, chstatus, chtnum, opendfcy
chartanalysis6 opendfcy, chtnmum