CHARTCODEFLOW - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The CHARTCODEFLOW table stores rows related to the chart’s current routing to one or multiple queues related to Coding, whether MRMS- or Workflow-based. One-to-many rows may exist for a given chart while processing is active. The CHARTCODEFLOW table is located in DBSpace1.

Column Name Data Type Description
chtnum bigint The internal unique identifier of a chart object; a foreign key to the CHART table.
codingflownum bigint

The coding flow (life cycle) number of the coding flow (life cycle) associated with the row. 100 = System Life Cycle, 101+ = User Created Life Cycle and foreign key to the CODINGFLOW table.

codingqueuenum bigint

The coding queue number of the coding queue associated with the row. 100 = System Queue, 101+ = User Created Queue and foreign key to the CODINGQUEUE table.

usernum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user assigned to the row; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
entrydate datetime The date and time that the chart associated with the row entered the life cycle and queue associated with the row.
iscompleted bigint Indicates whether the chart associated with the row has completed the life cycle and queue associated with the row. 0 = Not completed, 1 = Completed.
admittypenum bigint The internal unique identifier of the admit type associated with the chart; a foreign key to the ADMITTYPE table.
facilitynum bigint The internal unique identifier of the facility associated with the chart; a foreign key to the MEDFACILITY table.
processpriority bigint The process priority level for the chart associated with the row. 0 = Normal, 1 = High (indicates an administrative user routed the chart).
lcnum bigint The Workflow life cycle number associated with the row, when Workflow-wrapped MRMS is in use; a foreign key to the LIFECYCLE table.
statenum bigint The Workflow queue number associated with the row, when Workflow-wrapped MRMS is in use; a foreign key to the LCSTATE table.

The indexes for the CHARTCODEFLOW table are located in DBSpace1.

Index Name Included Columns
chartcodeflow1 chtnum
chartcodeflow2 codingflownum, codingqueuenum
chartcodeflow3 usernum
chartcodeflow4 facilitynum, admittypenum
chartcodeflow5 chtnum, statenum