CHARTDEFICIENCY - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The CHARTDEFICIENCY table stores a row for each unique chart-level deficiency associated with a chart. Chart-level deficiencies include Missing Documents, Missing Dictations, and external deficiencies. Once a chart finishes Reanalysis, chart-level deficiencies are migrated from the CHARTDEFICIENCY table to the COMPLETEDCHTDFCY table. The CHARTDEFICIENCY table is located in DBSpace1.

Column Name Data Type Description
dfcynum bigint

The internal unique identifier for the deficiency.

dfctype bigint The deficiency categorization for chart-level deficiencies. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
dfcystatus bigint The status of the deficiency within the Completion process. 1 = Pending, 2 = Completed, 3 = Verified by Reanalyst, 4 = Burn to Document, 5 = Rejected, 6 = Completed by Secondary, pending Primary.
dfcymessage text

Field for the Analyst/Reanalyst to communicate with the physician regarding the deficiency.

chtnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of a chart object; a foreign key to the CHART table.

analystnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the user account (typically an Analyst) that created the deficiency; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.

dateadded datetime The date and time the deficiency was added to the chart.
physassignednum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the physician who was assigned the deficiency; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables.

physcompletednum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the physician who completed the deficiency; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables

physdecisiondate datetime The date and time that the deficiency was decided on by the physician referenced in the physcompletednum column.
reanalystnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user account that verified this deficiency in Reanalysis; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
datereanalyzed datetime The date and time the deficiency was verified in Reanalysis.
rejectreason char(250) Field that allows the physician to communicate with the Analyst/Reanalyst to indicate a reason for rejecting the deficiency.
itemtypenum bigint Document type number of the missing document; a foreign key to the DOCTYPE table.
flags bigint

Additional information related to the chart-level deficiency. A bitflag value 0x0000 = None, 0x0001 = Analysis Server Generated.

delinqlevel bigint Current delinquency level of the deficiency as calculated by the MRMS Delinquency process and Aging & Levels configuration; a foreign key to the DELINQUENCYLEVEL table.
hourstillsuspen bigint Number of hours before (+) or after (-) physician suspension as calculated by the MRMS Delinquency process and Aging & Levels configuration.
reassignednum bigint The internal unique identifier of the assigned secondary signer in a dual-signature implementation; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables.
rescompletednum bigint The internal unique identifier of the secondary signer who completed the deficiency in a dual-signature implementation; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables.
resdecisiondate datetime The date and time that the deficiency was decided on by the secondary signer referenced in the rescompletednum column.
proceduredate datetime The date of the procedure associated with the deficiency.
extdoctypenum bigint Foreign key to the EXTDFCYDOCTYPE table, which stores the external deficiency Document Types for external medical integrations.
reviewstatus bigint Status to mark a deficiency as reviewed or not reviewed.
reviewusernum bigint The internal unique identifier of the last user to mark the deficiency as reviewed; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table.
reviewdate datetime The date and time when the deficiency was last reviewed. (1964-01-01 00:00:00 if never reviewed.)

The indexes for the CHARTDEFICIENCY table are located in DBSpace1.

Index name Included Columns
chartdeficiency1 dfcynum
chartdeficiency3 chtnum, dfcystatus, physassignednum, dfcytype
chartdeficiency4 dfcystatus
chartdeficiency5 physassignednum, dfcytype