CODINGFLOW - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The CODINGFLOW table stores configuration information for Coding Life Cycles configured within the Medical Records Management Solution. The CODINGFLOW table is located in DBSpace8.

Column Name Data Type Description
codingflownum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the Coding Life Cycle.

codingflowname char The display name of the Coding Life Cycle.
admittypenum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the Admit Type associated with the Coding Life Cycle; a foreign key to the ADMITTYPE table.

flags bigint Value that indicates the type of Coding Life Cycle; 0 = unstructured, 1 = structured, 2 = none.
facilitynum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the facility associated with the Coding Life Cycle; a foreign key to the MEDFACILITY table.

processpriority bigint Not implemented.

The indexes for the CODINGFLOW table are located in DBSpace8.

CODINGFLOW Table Indexes
Index Name Included Columns
codingflow1 codingflownum
codingflow3 facilitynum, admittypenum