DFCYTXLOG - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The DFCYTXLOG table stores the transaction log of activity occurring on a chart throughout its existence. Each chart will typically have multiple related rows in this table. The DFCYTXLOG table is located in DBSpace1.

DFCYTXLOG Table Values
Column Name Data Type Description
dfcytxlognum bigint The internal unique identifier of the transaction being logged.
chtnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the chart; a foreign key to the CHART table.

logdate datetime

The date and time that the transaction occurred.

action bigint An enumeration value indicating a specific activity for the transaction. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
usernum bigint The internal unique identifier of the user who performed the transaction.
itemnum bigint The internal unique identifier of the document on which the transaction was performed, if applicable.
extrainfo1 bigint Stores additional information about the transaction, dependent on the value in the action column.
extrainfo2 bigint Stores additional information about the transaction, dependent on the value in the action column.
extrainfo3 bigint Stores additional information about the transaction, dependent on the value in the action column.
dfcynum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the deficiency that the transaction is related to, if applicable.

messagetext char(200) Text description of the transaction that is being logged.
registernum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the workstation on which the transaction occurred; a foreign key to the REGISTEREDUSERS table.

actionnum bigint Not currently implemented.
subactionnum bigint Not currently implemented.
severityflag bigint

For future use.

tracelvl bigint Logging detail level.

The indexes for the DFCYTXLOG table are located in DBSpace1.

DFCYTXLOG Table Indexes
Index Name Included Columns
dfcytxlog1 logdate, action
dfcytxlog2 action
dfcytxlog3 chtnum, action
dfcytxlog4 usernum, action