MEDFACILITY - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The MEDFACILITY table stores a row for each configured Medical Facility. The MEDFACILITY table is located in DBSpace8.

Column Name Data Type Description
facilitynum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the medical facility.

facilityname char(50) The display name of the medical facility.
activeperiod bigint The facility level setting for the number of days before a chart is marked inactive.
chtautoname char(100) The configured auto-name string for charts associated with this facility.
delinqdays bigint

The facility-level setting for the number of days before a chart’s deficiencies are flagged as delinquent; used when Aging & Levels are not configured.

legalstatusdelay bigint The facility-level setting for the number of days before a chart is flagged as closed.
allowemergencyacc bigint

The level of emergency access allowed for charts associated with this facility; 0 = No emergency access, 1 = All users, 2 = Only physicians.

facilitynamehl7 char(30) The HL7 name of the medical facility.
requestdays bigint

The facility-level setting for the number of days before chart access expires.

flags bigint

Facility-level flags.

securityflags bigint Additional flag for security options; 1 = Facility is locked down.
termdigitmask char(20) The mask for this facility’s terminal digits.

The indexes for the MEDFACILITY table are located in DBSpace8.

Index Name Included Columns
medfacility1 facilitynum