MEDREC - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The MEDREC table stores one row for each patient Medical Record, which is typically a unique identifier of a patient within a facility but across multiple visits. The MEDREC table is located in DBSpace1.

MEDREC Table Values
Column Name Data Type Description
mrnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the Medical Record.

medrecnumber char(20) The Medical Record Number issued by the facility or hospital organization.
facilitynum bigint The medical facility associated with this patient’s records; a foreign key to the MEDFACILITY table.
mpinumber char(20) The Master Patient Index number issued by the facility or hospital organization.
ptfirstname char(20) Patient’s first name.
ptlastname char(30) Patient’s last name.
ptdob datetime Patient’s date of birth.
ptssn char(20)

Patient’s social security number.

ptsex bigint Patient’s gender; 0 = Undefined, 1 = Male, 2 = Female, 3 = Other, 4 = Ambiguous, 5 = Not Applicable.
hl7source char(50)

The source of the HL7 message that created the Medical Record.

mpinum bigint The internal unique identifier of the patient’s Master Patient Index number; a foreign key to the MSTRPTINDEX table.
ptmiddlename char(36)

Patient’s middle name.

birthplace char(75) Patient’s birthplace.
address1 char(80) Address field for the patient.
address2 char(80) Address field for the patient.
address3 char(80) Address field for the patient.
city char(75) The city of the patient’s address.
stateabbr char(2) The state of the patient’s address.
zipcode char(10) The zip code of the patient’s address.
mrcontactname char(100) The patient’s emergency contact information.
homephone char(30) The patient’s home phone number.
workphone char(30) The patient’s work phone number.

The indexes for the MEDREC table are located in DBSpace1.

MEDREC Table Indexes
Index Name Included Columns
medrec2 medrecnumber, mpinumber
medrec3 mpinumber, medrecnumber
medrec4 mpinum, medrecnumber, ptssn
medrec5 mrnum, medrecnumber