The MEDREC table stores one row for each patient Medical Record, which is typically a unique identifier of a patient within a facility but across multiple visits. The MEDREC table is located in DBSpace1.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
mrnum | bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the Medical Record. |
medrecnumber | char(20) | The Medical Record Number issued by the facility or hospital organization. |
facilitynum | bigint | The medical facility associated with this patient’s records; a foreign key to the MEDFACILITY table. |
mpinumber | char(20) | The Master Patient Index number issued by the facility or hospital organization. |
ptfirstname | char(20) | Patient’s first name. |
ptlastname | char(30) | Patient’s last name. |
ptdob | datetime | Patient’s date of birth. |
ptssn | char(20) |
Patient’s social security number. |
ptsex | bigint | Patient’s gender; 0 = Undefined, 1 = Male, 2 = Female, 3 = Other, 4 = Ambiguous, 5 = Not Applicable. |
hl7source | char(50) |
The source of the HL7 message that created the Medical Record. |
mpinum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of the patient’s Master Patient Index number; a foreign key to the MSTRPTINDEX table. |
ptmiddlename | char(36) |
Patient’s middle name. |
birthplace | char(75) | Patient’s birthplace. |
address1 | char(80) | Address field for the patient. |
address2 | char(80) | Address field for the patient. |
address3 | char(80) | Address field for the patient. |
city | char(75) | The city of the patient’s address. |
stateabbr | char(2) | The state of the patient’s address. |
zipcode | char(10) | The zip code of the patient’s address. |
mrcontactname | char(100) | The patient’s emergency contact information. |
homephone | char(30) | The patient’s home phone number. |
workphone | char(30) | The patient’s work phone number. |
The indexes for the MEDREC table are located in DBSpace1.
Index Name | Included Columns |
medrec2 | medrecnumber, mpinumber |
medrec3 | mpinumber, medrecnumber |
medrec4 | mpinum, medrecnumber, ptssn |
medrec5 | mrnum, medrecnumber |