The ROIREQUEST table stores information on all created requests in the system.
Column Name | Data Type | Data Lenght | Description |
roirequestnum | bigint | 8 |
Unique Request ID. |
roiparentreqnum | bigint | 8 | Currently not used. |
creatorusernum | bigint | 8 | User initiating request. |
workusernum | bigint | 8 |
User fulfilling request. |
requestitemnum | bigint | 8 |
Document ID of the scanned in request form. |
paymentitemnum | bigint | 8 | Document ID of the scanned in remittance. |
roilocationnum | bigint | 8 | Location ID used for shipping and billing addresses. Foreign key to ROIREQUESTLOC table. |
requestorname | char | 60 | Name of the individual requesting information. |
requestorrelation | char | 30 |
Relationship of individual requesting to the patient. |
requestoremail | char | 80 |
Email address of the individual requesting information. |
billtoaddress1 | char | 80 |
First line of billing address. |
billtoaddress2 | char | 80 | Second line of billing address. |
billtoaddress3 | char | 255 |
Third line of billing address (e.g. City, State or Country ZIP Code). |
shiptoaddress1 | char | 80 |
First line of shipping address. |
shiptoaddress2 | char | 80 |
Second line of billing address. |
shiptoaddress3 | char | 255 | Third line of shipping address (e.g. City, State or Country ZIP Code). |
roirequestreason | char | 255 | Reason for the request. |
patientname | char | 60 | Patient name. |
mpinum | bigint | 8 |
Patient MPI - MRMS Only. |
begindate | datetime | 8 | Date entered to limit charts applied to request and validate documents added. |
enddate | datetime | 8 | Date/time entered to limit charts applied to request and validate documents added. |
requestdate | datetime | 8 | Date/time request was created. |
requestpriority | bigint | 8 |
Priority of the request. Current values are: High = 0 Medium = 1 Default = 2 Low = 3 |
roirequesttypenum | bigint | 8 |
Request type ID. Foreign key to ROICOSTBYTYPE table. |
costperpage | bigint | 8 |
Cost per page in one thousandths of a dollar (tenth of a cent). |
autopagecount | bigint | 8 | Number of pages from documents added to the request. |
manualpagecount | bigint | 8 | Number of pages from documents added to the request. |
roicost | numeric | 9 |
Cost of the request. This cost does not include tax, shipping, or any cost adjustment. |
roitax | numeric | 9 | Amount tax for request. |
costadjustment | numeric | 9 | Amount of adjustment for request. |
requestbillstatus | bigint | 8 |
Status values on which queue the request is in. Current values are: Initiated = 10 or 20 (on hold) Approval = 30 Pending Billing = 40 Awaiting Payment = 50 Pending Delivery = 60 or 70 Completed = 80 Canceled = 90 or 100 |
requestsendststus | bigint | 8 |
Status value on the release of a request. Current values are: Pending Deliver = 0 Delivered = 100 |
mrnum | bigint | 8 | Patient MRN - MRMS Only. |
deliverytype | bigint | 8 |
Delivery method for releasing request. Current values are: Print = 0 Export = 1 Export to Condre = 2 Export to Rimage = 3 Types not supported by OnBase, done externally: Fax = 4 - isn't integrated with RightFax Forward = 10 Pickup = 11 Mail = 20 Express Mail = 21 Office Mail = 22 |
roitotalamoiunt | numeric | 9 | Total amount billed for request. |
roipaidamount | numeric | 9 | Amount paid for request. |
flags | bigint | 8 |
Bit field used for settings on a request. Current values are: FullPacketArchived = 0x0000020 // Archive the full packet SentToWorkflow = 0x0000040 SentToHL7 = 0x0000080 ShowAttachedPatients = 0x0000100 // Show the attached patients as a list on the request form |
rejectreason | char | 250 | Reason the request was rejected or canceled. |
approvalusernum | bigint | 8 | User that approves, rejects, or cancels the request. |
shippeddate | datetime | 8 | Date/time the request was shipped (released). |
paiddate | datetime | 8 | Date/time the request was paid. |
roishippingcost | numeric | 9 | Amount of shipping cost for request. |
paymenttype | bigint | 8 |
Type of payment used to pay for request. Current values are: Cash = 1 Check = 2 Credit Card = 3 |
paymentdesc | char | 50 | Describes the payment (e.g. Check #, Credit Card Type...) |
roiflatfeenum | bigint | 8 | Flat fee type ID. Foreign key to ROIFLATFEETYPE table. |
The indexes for ROIREQUEST table are located in DBSpace1.
Index Name | Indexed Columns |
roirequest1 | roirequestnum |
roirequest2 | workusernum |
roirequest3 | mpinum |
roirequest4 | mrnum |
roirequest5 | chtnum |
roirequest6 | requestbillstatus |
roirequest7 | requestsendstatus |
roirequest8 | facilitynum |