ROIREQUEST - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The ROIREQUEST table stores information on all created requests in the system.

Column Name Data Type Data Lenght Description
roirequestnum bigint 8

Unique Request ID.

roiparentreqnum bigint 8 Currently not used.
creatorusernum bigint 8 User initiating request.
workusernum bigint 8

User fulfilling request.

requestitemnum bigint 8

Document ID of the scanned in request form.

paymentitemnum bigint 8 Document ID of the scanned in remittance.
roilocationnum bigint 8 Location ID used for shipping and billing addresses. Foreign key to ROIREQUESTLOC table.
requestorname char 60 Name of the individual requesting information.
requestorrelation char 30

Relationship of individual requesting to the patient.

requestoremail char 80

Email address of the individual requesting information.

billtoaddress1 char 80

First line of billing address.

billtoaddress2 char 80 Second line of billing address.
billtoaddress3 char 255

Third line of billing address (e.g. City, State or Country ZIP Code).

shiptoaddress1 char 80

First line of shipping address.

shiptoaddress2 char 80

Second line of billing address.

shiptoaddress3 char 255 Third line of shipping address (e.g. City, State or Country ZIP Code).
roirequestreason char 255 Reason for the request.
patientname char 60 Patient name.
mpinum bigint 8

Patient MPI - MRMS Only.

begindate datetime 8 Date entered to limit charts applied to request and validate documents added.
enddate datetime 8 Date/time entered to limit charts applied to request and validate documents added.
requestdate datetime 8 Date/time request was created.
requestpriority bigint 8

Priority of the request. Current values are:

High = 0

Medium = 1

Default = 2

Low = 3

roirequesttypenum bigint 8

Request type ID. Foreign key to ROICOSTBYTYPE table.

costperpage bigint 8

Cost per page in one thousandths of a dollar (tenth of a cent).

autopagecount bigint 8 Number of pages from documents added to the request.
manualpagecount bigint 8 Number of pages from documents added to the request.
roicost numeric 9

Cost of the request. This cost does not include tax, shipping, or any cost adjustment.

roitax numeric 9 Amount tax for request.
costadjustment numeric 9 Amount of adjustment for request.
requestbillstatus bigint 8

Status values on which queue the request is in.

Current values are:

Initiated = 10 or 20 (on hold)

Approval = 30

Pending Billing = 40

Awaiting Payment = 50

Pending Delivery = 60 or 70

Completed = 80

Canceled = 90 or 100

requestsendststus bigint 8

Status value on the release of a request. Current values are:

Pending Deliver = 0

Delivered = 100

mrnum bigint 8 Patient MRN - MRMS Only.
deliverytype bigint 8

Delivery method for releasing request. Current values are: Print = 0

Export = 1

Export to Condre = 2

Export to Rimage = 3

Types not supported by OnBase, done externally:

Fax = 4 - isn't integrated with RightFax

Forward = 10

Pickup = 11

Mail = 20

Express Mail = 21

Office Mail = 22

roitotalamoiunt numeric 9 Total amount billed for request.
roipaidamount numeric 9 Amount paid for request.
flags bigint 8

Bit field used for settings on a request. Current values are:

FullPacketArchived = 0x0000020 // Archive the full packet

SentToWorkflow = 0x0000040

SentToHL7 = 0x0000080

ShowAttachedPatients = 0x0000100 // Show the attached patients as a list on the request form

rejectreason char 250 Reason the request was rejected or canceled.
approvalusernum bigint 8 User that approves, rejects, or cancels the request.
shippeddate datetime 8 Date/time the request was shipped (released).
paiddate datetime 8 Date/time the request was paid.
roishippingcost numeric 9 Amount of shipping cost for request.
paymenttype bigint 8

Type of payment used to pay for request. Current values are: Cash = 1

Check = 2

Credit Card = 3

paymentdesc char 50 Describes the payment (e.g. Check #, Credit Card Type...)
roiflatfeenum bigint 8 Flat fee type ID. Foreign key to ROIFLATFEETYPE table.

The indexes for ROIREQUEST table are located in DBSpace1.

ROIREQUEST Table Indexes
Index Name Indexed Columns
roirequest1 roirequestnum
roirequest2 workusernum
roirequest3 mpinum
roirequest4 mrnum
roirequest5 chtnum
roirequest6 requestbillstatus
roirequest7 requestsendstatus
roirequest8 facilitynum