The ROIREQUESTITEMS table stores all documents and external items added to a given request.
Column Name | Data Type | Data Length | Description |
roirequestnum | bigint | 8 | Request the item belongs to. |
Itemnum | bigint | 8 | References an OnBase document ID or an External Item ID. |
docrevnmum | bigint | 8 | Document revision to release. |
filetypenum | bigint | 8 | Document rendition to release. |
clerkusernum | bigint | 8 | User adding an item to request. |
dateadded | datetime | 8 | Date/time when the item was added to the request. |
flags | bigint | 8 |
Bit field for item settings. Current values are: flag_bill = 0x0001 // Signifies this item is the request's bill flag_remit = 0x0002 // Signifies this item is the request's remittance flag_patient = 0x0004 // Signifies this item is a patient-level document (MRMS only) flag_rejection_letter = 0x0008 // Signifies this item is the rejection letter for the request |
Chtnum | bigint | 8 | Chart the document belongs to. |
printitemnum | bigint | 8 | Copied document to release. |
printitemname | char | 255 | Item name used for release. |
roiquantity | bigint | 8 | Quantity of an external item in the request. |
seqnum | bigint | 8 | Determines the printing order of documents within a request. |
manuallyentered | bigint | 8 |
Stores information if the document overrides any request type settings. Current values are: 0 – document added automatically with the rest of the chart 1 – document added manually which overrides request type setting |
pagecount | bigint | 8 | Number of pages being released. |
excludedpages | text | 16 |
Page range of pages to exclude in the ROI packet. NOTE: The default value of this field can remain null for existing records |
mpinum | bigint | 8 | Foreign key to MSTRPTINDEX table. |
mrnum | bigint | 8 | Foreign key to MEDREC table. |
The indexes for ROIREQUESTITEMS table are located in DBSpace1.
Index Name | Indexed Columns |
roirequestitems1 | roirequestnum |