The ROIREQUESTLOG table is the main logging table used for Release of Information.
Column Name | Data Type | Data Length | Description |
roirequestlognum | bigint | 8 | Unique id of the log record. |
messagetext | char | 200 | Text description of action taken by user. |
actionnum | bigint | 8 |
Action taken by the user. Current values are: 1 - General actions 2 - Modify actions 3 - Delivery actions |
subactionnum | bigint | 8 | Secondary action number. |
logdate | datetime | 8 | Date/time of action. |
usernum | bigint | 8 | User performing action. |
roirequestnum | bigint | 8 | Request action was taken upon. |
severityflag | bigint | 8 | Severity of the action taken. |
tracelvl | bigint | 8 | Applied level of tracing. |
extrainfo1 | bigint | 8 | Available for extra info. |
extrainfo2 | bigint | 8 | Available for extra info. |
The indexes for ROIREQUESTLOG table are located in DBSpace1.
Index Name | Indexed Columns |
roirequestlog1 | logdate, roirequestnum, actionnum |
roirequestlog2 | usernum, logdate, actionnum |