SCANNINGLOG - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

The OnBase SCANNINGLOG table stores information related to the activity of scanned batches (e.g., batch created, batch indexed, batch committed). The SCANNINGLOG table is located in DBSpace1.

Column Name Data Type Description
scanninglognum bigint  
usernum bigint

The unique identifier of the OnBase user who performed the logged action (cross-referenced to USERACCOUNT).

registernum datetime

The unique identifier of the workstation from which the action was performed (cross-referenced to REGISTEREDUSERS).

logdate char(200) The date the transaction was logged.
messagetext bigint Text message describing the transaction.
actionnum bigint See Scanning Log Actions in Appendix A.
subactionnum bigint  
queuenum bigint The unique identifier of the Scan Queue in which the batch exists (cross-referenced to SCANQUEUE).
batchnum bigint

The unique identifier of the batch (cross-referenced to ARCHIVEDQUEUE).

extrainfo1 bigint The number of documents originally scanned in the batch (this is not updated if documents are deleted from or added to the batch).
extrainfo2 bigint The number of pages originally scanned in the batch (this is not updated if pages are deleted from or added to documents).
itemnum bigint  
eventunm bigint  
severityflag bigint  
tracelvl bigint  

The indexes for the SCANNINGLOG table are located in DBSpace1.

Index Name Included Columns
scanninglog1 logdate
scanninglog2 usernum
scanninglog3 batchnum
scanninglog4 queuenum
scanninglog5 eventunum, actionnum