The WORKITEMCONTAINER table contains a single entry for each Work Item if it resides in any Unity Life Cycle.
(A Work Item may be in multiple Unity Life Cycles, in which case it will have a single WORKITEMCONTAINER entry and multiple WORKITEMLC entries, one for each Unity Life Cycle the Work Item is in).
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
contentnum | bigint | ID of work item. contentnum may not be unique for a given contenttype; if contentnum is not unique, then the combination contentnum + contentclassnum is unique. For documents contentnum is unique; it is the doc handle. |
wfcontenttype | bigint | Enumeration of content type. Document = 1, Folder = 2, WorkviewItem = 3. |
portfolionum | bigint | |
flags | bigint | |
contentclassnum | bigint |
ID of work item class. Only needed if contentnum is not unique for a given contenttype; in those cases, the unique identifier is contentnum + contentclassnum. For documents, contentnum is unique so contentclassnum is zero. For WorkView items, contentnum is not unique, so contentclassnum is the WorkView class ID. |
Index Name | Included Columns |
workitemcontainer1 | contentnum, wfcontenttype |
workitemcontainer2 | contentnum, contentclassnum, wfcontenttype |