64-bit vs. 32-bit Schemas - Database Reporting Guide - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 22.1

OnBase installations that were created (i.e., database schema creation) prior to OnBase 13 have a 32-bit schema, meaning that in SQL Server installations, the primary data type for integers and enumeration was the integer data type, which has a native limit of 2.14 billion unique positive values.

Starting with OnBase 13, new installations have a 64-bit schema. In SQL Server installations, the primary data type for integers and enumeration is the bigint data type. OnBase 13 and higher is capable of storing and retrieving up to 2,147,483,647 unique positive values. The data types mentioned in this guide are based on the 64-bit schema design. If your installation was created on a version prior to OnBase 13, please consider that the data types listed in this guide as bigint may be int in your database. Additionally, OnBase databases using the 64-bit schema have a filepath column (HSI.itemdatapage, etc.) with a size of char(80), whereas databases using the 32-bit schema have a filepath column with a size of char(26).

Note: For Oracle implementations, the primary data type for integers and enumeration is the numeric data type, which was not changed between the 32-bit and 64-bit schema. The filepath difference mentioned above is the only data type difference between a 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle schema.