Actions that occur against a scanned batch get logged in the SCANNINGLOG table. Actions that involve a batch transition have an eventnum of 1; those that involve the actual action have an eventnum of 2.
Action | eventnum | actionnum |
To Awaiting Index |
1 | 1 |
To Index in Progress |
1 | 2 |
To Second Awaiting Index |
1 | 3 |
To Second in Progress |
1 | 4 |
To Awaiting OCR |
1 | 5 |
To Awaiting Commit |
1 | 6 |
To Begin Commit |
1 | 7 |
To Finish Commit |
1 | 8 |
To Begin Purge |
1 | 9 |
To Failed OCR |
1 | 10 |
To Document Slicer |
1 | 11 |
To EOB Queue |
1 | 12 |
To Reindex Queue |
1 | 13 |
To Reindex in Progress |
1 | 14 |
To Incomplete Disconnected Scan |
1 | 15 |
To Checked Out Disconnected Scan |
1 | 16 |
To Administrative Repair |
1 | 17 |
To QA Image Quality |
1 | 18 |
To QA Review |
1 | 19 |
To QA Needs Rescan |
1 | 20 |
To Manager Resolution |
1 | 21 |
To QA Reindex |
1 | 22 |
To QA Reindex in Progress |
1 | 23 |
To PDF Conversion |
1 | 24 |
To Awaiting Archive Link |
1 | 25 |
To External Indexing |
1 | 26 |
To Awaiting Barcode |
1 | 27 |
To Awaiting Image Process |
1 | 28 |
To Awaiting Custom Process |
1 | 29 |
To Ad-Hoc Rescan |
1 | 30 |
To Awaiting Zonal OCR |
1 | 31 |
To QA Review In Progress |
1 | 32 |
To Intelligent Indexing |
1 | 33 |
To Awaiting Pre-Index Scan Queue Sorting |
1 | 34 |
To Pre-Index EIS Integration |
1 | 35 |
To Post-Index EIS Integration |
1 | 36 |
To Pre-Commit EIS Integration |
1 | 37 |
To Awaiting Post-Index Scan Queue Sorting |
1 | 38 |
To Image Processing In Progress |
1 | 44 |
Create Batch |
2 | 200 |
Delete Batch |
2 | 201 |
Perform Index |
2 | 202 |
Perform Secondary Indexing (Double-Blind Indexing) |
2 | 203 |
Perform OCR |
2 | 204 |
Scan More Batch |
2 | 205 |
Skip OCR |
2 | 206 |
Full Index Batch |
2 | 207 |
Cancel Batch |
2 | 208 |
Commit Batch Manual |
2 | 209 |
Commit Batch Auto |
2 | 210 |
OCR Batch Auto |
2 | 211 |
Change Scan Queue |
2 | 212 |
Perform Reindex |
2 | 213 |
Barcode Append Page |
2 | 214 |
Supervisor Advance |
2 | 215 |
Supervisor Checkin |
2 | 216 |
Perform QA Image Quality |
2 | 217 |
Perform QA Review |
2 | 218 |
Perform QA Rescan |
2 | 219 |
Perform Manager Resolution |
2 | 220 |
Perform QA Reindex |
2 | 221 |
Perform Administrative Repair |
2 | 222 |
Perform PDF Conversion |
2 | 223 |
Skip PDF Conversion |
2 | 224 |
PDF Convert Auto |
2 | 225 |
Skip Document Slicer |
2 | 226 |
Perform Document Slicer |
2 | 227 |
Cancel External Index |
2 | 228 |
Create Batch from DIP |
2 | 229 |
Scan More Pages |
2 | 230 |
Barcode Append Document |
2 | 231 |
Keyword Match Append Document |
2 | 232 |
Perform Barcode Processing |
2 | 233 |
Perform Image Processing |
2 | 234 |
Image Process Auto |
2 | 235 |
Barcode Process Auto |
2 | 236 |
Sent to ArchiveLink |
2 | 237 |
Perform EOB Slicing |
2 | 238 |
Perform Custom Process |
2 | 239 |
Skip Custom Process |
2 | 240 |
Create Batch from Existing |
2 | 241 |
Skip EOB Slicer |
2 | 242 |
Skip Pre-Index |
2 | 243 |
Perform Ad-Hoc Rescan |
2 | 244 |
Perform Zonal OCR |
2 | 245 |
Auto Zonal OCR |
2 | 246 |
Skip Zonal OCR |
2 | 247 |
Perform ICAP |
2 | 248 |
Perform Pre Index Scan Queue Sorting |
2 | 251 |
Automatic Pre Index Scan Queue Sorting |
2 | 252 |
Skip Image Processing |
2 | 253 |
Skip Pre Index Scan Queue Sorting |
2 | 254 |
Skip Barcode Processing |
2 | 255 |
Skip Preindex EIS |
2 | 256 |
Perform Post Index Scan Queue Sorting |
2 | 257 |
Automatic Post Index Scan Queue Sorting |
2 | 258 |
Skip Post Index Scan Queue Sorting |
2 | 259 |
Complete Acquisition |
2 | 260 |
Postindex EIS |
2 | 261 |
Precommit EIS |
2 | 262 |
Scan Pages QA Rescan |
2 | 263 |
QA Reset Status |
2 | 264 |
QA Reset All |
2 | 265 |
End Index |
2 | 266 |
End Secondary Indexing (Double-Blind Indexing) |
2 | 267 |
End QA Image Quality |
2 | 268 |
End QA Review |
2 | 269 |
End QA Rescan |
2 | 270 |
End Manager Resolution |
2 | 271 |
End QA Reindex |
2 | 272 |
End Document Separation |
2 | 273 |
End Reindex |
2 | 274 |
Perform Doc Prep |
2 | 277 |
Stop Doc Prep |
2 | 278 |
Send to Workflow |
2 | 279 |