ADMITTYPE - Database Reporting Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 23.1

The ADMITTYPE table stores one row for each admit type in an organization. The admit type configuration defines the chart’s requirements and the time frame for initiation of Coding and Analysis. The ADMITTYPE table is located in DBSpace8.

ADMITTYPE Table Values
Column Name Date Type Description
admittypenum bigint

The internal unique identifier for the Admit Type.

admittypename char(30)

The user-friendly name for the Admit Type.

flags bigint Describes the Admit Type’s requirements and the time frame for initiation of Coding and Analysis. (See Appendix for enumeration values.)
admittypenamehl7 char(30)

The Admit Type name that appears in an HL7 message.

The indexes for the ADMITTYPE table are located in DBSpace8.

ADMITTYPE Table Indexes
Index name Indexed Columns
admittype1 admittypenum