The CHTCORRECTION table contains corrections required for the associated chart. Corrections generally include adding a new document or rescanning a page. The CHTCORRECTION table is located in DBSpace1.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
chtcorrectionnum | bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the chart correction row. |
chtnum | bigint | The internal unique identifier of a chart object; a foreign key to the CHART table. |
itemnum | bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the document requiring correction; a foreign key to the ITEMDATA table. |
itemtypenum | bigint | The document type number of the document requiring correction or of the missing document; a foreign key to the DOCTYPE table. |
datecreated | datetime |
The date and time that the correction request row was created. |
usercreated |
bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the user who created the chart correction request; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table. |
datecompleted | datetime |
The date and time that the chart correction request was closed or completed; (1964-01-01 00:00:00 if not yet closed or completed). |
userassigned |
bigint |
The internal unique identifier of the user that is assigned to the chart correction request; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT table. |
status |
bigint |
The current status of the chart correction request; 1 = open, 2 = completed, 3 = rejected. |
requesttype | bigint | The type of chart correction request; 1 = add document, 2 = add page, 3 = scan page, 4 = transcription, 5 = add deficiency. |
flags |
bigint | Not currently implemented. |
primaryphysnum |
bigint |
The internal unique identifier for the primary physician/signer associated with the correction task; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables. |
secondaryphysnum | bigint | The internal unique identifier for the secondary signer associated with the correction task, if configured for dual signing; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables. |
The indexes for the CHTCORRECTION table are located in DBSpace1.
Index name | Included Columns |
chtcorrection1 | chtcorrectionnum |
chtcorrection2 | chtnum |
chtcorrection3 | status |