CHTEXTENSION - Database Reporting Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 23.1

The CHTEXTENSION table is an extension of the CHART table and stores information related to the specific patient visit. The CHTEXTENSION table is located in DBSpace1.

Column Name Data Type Description
chtnum bigint

The internal unique identifier of a chart object; a foreign key to the CHART table.

medservicenum bigint

The internal unique identifier of the Medical Service associated with the chart; a foreign key to the MEDSERVICE table.

disposition bigint Not implemented. (See chtdisposition column.)
totalcharges numeric(9)

The total charges for the visit.

financialclass char(50) Character representation of the financial class for the associated visit (e.g., A = Medicare).
admitsource bigint Not implemented. (See admitsrc column.)
medpayornum bigint Uniquely identifies the visit’s payor; a foreign key to the MEDPAYOR table.
chtdisposition char(50) Stores the disposition returned from HL7 for the associated chart. The disposition is the status of the patient upon discharge (e.g., 20 = Expired).
admitsrc char(50)

Stores the admit source returned from HL7 for the associated chart.

referphysnum bigint

Internal unique identifier of the physician who referred the patient for the associated visit; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables.

primcarephysnum bigint Internal unique identifier of the patient’s primary care physician at the time of the associated visit; a foreign key to the USERACCOUNT and PHYSICIANINFO tables.

The indexes for the CHTEXTENSION table are located in DBSpace1.

Index Name Included Columns
chtextension1 chtnum