LIFECYCLE - Database Reporting Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 23.1

LIFECYCLE is the table that stores a record for each Workflow Life Cycle created. This is the parent table that cross-references with the ITEMLC table to obtain the name (lifecyclename) of a life cycle in which a document exists. Another important relationship exists with the LCSTATE table, in that the scope contains the related lcnum from ITEMLC. The LIFECYCLE table is located in DBSpace8.

LIFECYCLE Table Values
Column Name Data Type Description
lcnum bigint The unique identifier of the life cycle in OnBase.
lifecyclename char(50) The text representation of the life cycle name.
lifecycledesc char(80)  
initialstatenum bigint  
helptext char(250)  
bitmapnum bigint  
iconnum bigint  
foldertypenum bigint  
flags bigint  
encryptedpassword char(40)  
wfcontenttype bigint Content Type for the life cycle. Legacy Life Cycles have wfcontenttype=0. Unity Life Cycles use Enumeration: Document = 1, Folder = 2, WorkviewItem = 3.
contentclassnum bigint  
maxitemsowned bigint  

The index for the LIFECYCLE table is located in DBSpace8.

LIFECYCLE Table Indexes
Index Name Included Columns
lifecycle1 lcnum