LOGGEDUSER - Database Reporting Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 23.1

The LOGGEDUSER table lists all users logged on to the OnBase system at the current time. The LOGGEDUSER table is located in DBSpace1.

LOGGEDUSER Table Values.
Column Name Data Type Description
usernum bigint The unique identifier for each OnBase user (crossreferenced to USERACCOUNT).
producttype bigint The OnBase module used to access the system.
registernum bigint The unique identifier for each Client workstation (crossreferenced to REGISTEREDUSERS).
checkin bigint  
heartbeat bigint  
numlocks bigint  
sessionid bigint The unique identifier for a session.
sessionguid char(32)  
terminalsessionid bigint  
flags bigint  

The indexes for the LOGGEDUSER table are located in DBSpace10.

LOGGEDUSER Table Indexes.
Index Name Included Columns
loggeduser1 usernum, registernum, producttype
loggeduser2 registernum