The RMOBJECTHISTORY table contains one row for every modification that occurs for an RM object. The RMOBJECTHISTORY table is located in the Primary database file.
Column Name | Data Type | Data Length | Description |
transactionID | bigint | 8 | Unique identifier of the modification. |
objectID | bigint | 8 | Unique identifier of the WorkView object that was changed (cross-referenced to RMOBJECT). |
attributeID | bigint | 8 | Unique identifier of the attribute that was changed. |
transactionDate | datetime | 8 | Date/time of the change. |
startValue | char | 255 | Original attribute value. |
endValue | char | 255 | Value to which the attribute was changed. |
userName | char | 50 | User who enacted the change. |
The indexes for the RMOBJECTHISTORY table are located in the Primary database file.
Index Name | Included columns |
rmObjectHistory_objectID_ix | objectID |
rmObjectHistory_txID_ix | transactionID |