This table has identical structure to WORKITEMLC. It is used to hold entries for Work Items that have been deleted but not purged. When a Work Item is deleted and it resides in one or more Unity Life Cycles, all its corresponding WORKITEMLC entries are moved to WORKITEMLCUNAVAIL. If the Work Item is subsequently undeleted, the entries are moved back.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
lcnum | bigint | The unique identifier of the Unity Life Cycle in which the Work Item resides. |
statenum | bigint | The unique identifier of the Unity Queue in which the Work Item resides. |
contentnum | bigint | ID of work item. contentnum may not be unique for a given contenttype; if contentnum is not unique then the combination contentnum + contentclassnum is unique. For documents contentnum is unique; it is the doc handle. |
wfcontenttype | bigint | Enumeration of content type. Document = 1, Folder = 2, WorkviewItem = 3. |
transdate | datetime | |
priority | bigint | |
versionid | bigint | |
ownernum | bigint | |
ownedstatus | bigint | |
ownedsince | datetime | |
lastupdated | datetime | |
flags | bigint | |
contentclassnum | bigint |
ID of work item class. Only needed if contentnum is not unique for a given contenttype; in those cases the unique identifier is contentnum + contentclassnum. For documents, contentnum is unique so contentclassnum is zero. For WorkView items contentnum is not unique, so contentclassnum is the WorkView class ID. |
The index for the WORKITEMLCUNAVAIL table is located in DBSpace1.
Index Name | Included Columns |
workitemlcunavail2 | contentnum, contentclassnum, wfcontenttype |