WFLOG - Database Reporting Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 23.1

The WFLOG table lists the Workflow Queues in which Work Items have been. When a Work Item transitions from one queue to another, a record is created for each transition. Also, the prior record is updated with the exittime, statenumto, and exitusernum. All historical queue transitions are stored in this table. The WFLOG table is located in DBSpace1.

WFLOG Table Values
Column Name Data Type Description
statenum bigint The unique identifier of the Queue that the Work Item entered.
lcnum bigint The unique identifier of the life cycle that the Work Item entered.
itemnum bigint ID of work item. Corresponds to itemnum in itemlc, contentnum in workitemlc (for documents this is the Document Handle)
usernum bigint The unique identifier of the OnBase user who transitioned the Work Item into the queue.
entrytime datetime The time the Work Item entered the queue.
exittime datetime The time the Work Item exited the queue. A default value of 1964-01-01 00:00:00.000 indicates that the Work Item is still in the queue.
flags bigint  
exitusernum bigint The unique identifier of the OnBase user who transitioned the Work Item out of the queue. If the value is 0 and the exittime is no longer the default value (1964-01-01 00:00:00.000), then the document exited the life cycle.
statenumto bigint The queue to which the Work Item was transitioned.
wfcontenttype bigint Enumeration of content type. Document = 1, Folder = 2, WorkviewItem = 3.
contentclassnum bigint

ID of work item class. non zero only if itemnum is not unique for a given contenttype; in those cases the unique identifier is itemnum + contentclassnum.

For documents, itemnum is unique so contentclassnum is zero. For WorkView items itemnum is not unique, so contentclassnum is the WorkView class ID.

The indexes for the WFLOG table are located in DBSpace1.

WFLOG Table Indexes
Index Name Included Columns
wflog8 statenum, entrytime, exittime
wflog9 itemnum, contentclassnum, lcnum, entrytime, statenum, wfcontenttype
wflog10 itemnum, contentclassnum, exittime, wfcontenttype