WFTRANSACTIONLOG - Database Reporting Guide - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Database Reporting Guide

Database Reporting Guide
Foundation 23.1

The WFTRANSACTIONLOG and WFTRANSACTIONMSG tables, along with their corresponding functionalities, were added in OnBase 5.0. For these tables to contain data, it is necessary to enable logging via one of the following methods:

  • Using the SYS-Custom Log Action.
  • Selecting the Log Execution check box for a Workflow Task List, Rule, or Action.
  • Selecting the Log Start/Stop check box for a Timer.

The WFTRANSACTIONLOG table is located in DBSpace1.

Column Name Data Type Description
wftransactionnum bigint The unique identifier of the transaction.
lcnum bigint Life cycle number (see LIFECYCLE table).
statenum bigint Queue number (see LCSTATE table).
itemnum bigint ID of work item. Corresponds to itemnum in itemlc, contentnum in workitemlc (for documents this is the Document Handle), unless the objecttype is 35/36 (timer start/stop), in which case the value is zero.
usernum bigint The unique identifier of the OnBase user who performed the logged activity (see useraccount table).
logdate datetime The date/time of the entry.
objecttype bigint See Comments below.
objectnum bigint Dependent upon the value in the objecttype column, see comments below.
param1 bigint If object type is 36 (timer stop), then this contains the number of documents that were processed by the timer. Otherwise, this is always zero.
param2 bigint Not used, always zero.
flags bigint Not used, always zero.
objectname char(50)  
wfcontenttype bigint Enumeration of content type. Document = 1, Folder = 2, WorkviewItem = 3
contentclassnum bigint

ID of work item class. non zero only if itemnum is not unique for a given contenttype; in those cases the unique identifier is itemnum + contentclassnum.

For documents, itemnum is unique so contentclassnum is zero. For WorkView items itemnum is not unique, so contentclassnum is the WorkView class ID.


The value in the objecttype column can be one of the following values:

objecttype column values
objecttype Value objectnum Value Description
31 ID of the action (see ACTION table) This entry is made by the SYS – Custom Log Entry workflow action.
32 ID of the action (see ACTION table) This entry is made if the action has the Log Execution check box selected in Config.
33 ID of the tasklist (see TASKLIST table) This entry is made if the task list has the Log Execution check box selected in Config.
34 ID of the rule (see RULETABLE table) This entry is made if the rule has the Log Execution check box selected in Config.
35 ID of the timer (see LCTIMER table) This entry is made if the timer has the Log Execution check box selected in Config. The entry is made when the timer starts.
36 ID of the timer (see LCTIMER table) This entry is made if the timer has the Log Execution check box selected in Config. The entry is made when the timer finishes.

The indexes for the WFTRANSACTIONLOG table are located in DBSpace1.

Index Name Included Columns
wftransactionlog1 wftransactionnum
wftransactionlog3 objecttype, objectnum, logdate
wftransactionlog4 itemnum, contentclassnum, logdate, wfcontenttype