Burning & Revisions - DeficiencyPop - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 23.1

Consider the following information if you are using the Medical Records Management Solution for chart completion.

When all deficiencies on a document have been confirmed, deficiencies and notes are burned permanently onto the document. When this happens, a new rendition and/or revision is created for the document, even though the medical record Document Types are non-revisable.

  • An image file format document will have a new revision added.

  • A text or E-Form document will have a new image file format rendition created as a new revision. These renditions and revisions are created automatically. Unless you are configuring a transcription Document Type to allow raw text renditions, do not select the Allow Multiple Renditions option under the Rendition/Revision button in Document Type Configuration. For information about raw text renditions, see Preserve Text Formatting when Editing Transcription.

  • Notes/deficiencies/annotations on previous revisions of the document will be deleted if they are not set up to be on all revisions.

If administrators (users granted the Administration medical records privilege) need to view the document's revision history, they can access previous revisions in the OnBase Client by right-clicking on an open document and selecting Revisions/Renditions.