Running the DeficiencyPop Installer - DeficiencyPop - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard


Foundation 23.1

The following procedure describes how to install DeficiencyPop using the installer and setup wizard. To install DeficiencyPop using a command line, see Installing DeficiencyPop Using the Command Line.


If you are upgrading a DeficiencyPop deployment that was installed manually, be sure to uninstall the old components before running the installer. If the previous deployment was installed using the installer, you do not need to uninstall the old components.

To install DeficiencyPop using the installer:

  1. Open the folder containing the DeficiencyPop installer.
  2. Double-click setup.exe. The Hyland DeficiencyPop Setup Wizard is displayed.
  3. Click Next. The Destination Folder screen is displayed.
  4. Enter the directory where the DeficiencyPop application should be installed. To browse to the directory, click Change.
  5. Click Next. The Data Source screen is displayed.
  6. Enter the name of the data source for DeficiencyPop.
    For information about configuring data sources, see the Application Server module reference guide.
  7. Click Next. The DeficiencyPop Web Settings screen is displayed.
  8. Select the Web site where DeficiencyPop should be installed.
  9. Enter a name for the DeficiencyPop application.

    It is considered a best practice to omit parentheses from the Application Name.

  10. Under Communication Method, specify how DeficiencyPop and the OnBase Application Server will communicate.




    .NET remoting allows DeficiencyPop to use binary over HTTP to communicate with the Application Server. Remoting provides better performance than SOAP and is enabled by default.

    DeficiencyPop may be unable to use remoting if a firewall needs to inspect the information passed between the Application Server and DeficiencyPop, such as when the two servers are hosted on different machines. In these situations, use SOAP.


    SOAP allows DeficiencyPop to use XML SOAP over HTTP to communicate with the Application Server. This option is useful for load balancing or situations where a firewall needs to inspect the information passed between DeficiencyPop and the Application Server.

    If a load balancer is balancing traffic from DeficiencyPop to the Application Server, then DeficiencyPop must be configured to use SOAP.


    In most situations, select Remoting if DeficiencyPop and the OnBase Application Server are hosted on the same machine. If DeficiencyPop and the Application Server are hosted on different machines, select SOAP.

  11. Select any other IIS settings you want to enable.



    Use identity impersonation to run the IIS worker process

    Identity impersonation allows the DeficiencyPop process to run under a specified account. If this option is deselected, then the DeficiencyPop process runs under the Network Service account.

    Enable TLS

    Select to run DeficiencyPop using an HTTPS connection. If this option is selected, you must ensure the server is correctly configured for HTTPS connections.

    If this option is deselected, then an HTTP connection is used. When you click Next, you are prompted to acknowledge that you understand the risks associated with disabling this security layer before you can proceed with the installation.

    Use NT/LDAP Authentication

    NT/LDAP authentication allows DeficiencyPop users to be logged on using their Active Directory or LDAP authentication credentials, provided OnBase is configured for that authentication scheme.

  12. Click Next. You are prompted to provide the URLs for DeficiencyPop and the Application Server.
  13. In the DeficiencyPop base URL field, enter the virtual root for DeficiencyPop.
    • The installer only supports installation to a virtual directory. You cannot use the installer to install to a Web site root.

    • If you selected Enable TLS earlier in the installation, the DeficiencyPop base URL must begin with https://. The name of the virtual directory must match the Application Name configured on the previous page.

  14. In the Application Server URL field, enter the full URL to the Service page on the OnBase Application Server you are installing. The file extension of the service page depends on the Communication Method you selected on the previous page.
    • If you selected Remoting, the service page is Service.rem.

    • If you selected SOAP, the service page is Service.asmx.


      Use localhost in the URL of the Application Server if it is installed on the same machine as DeficiencyPop. For example, https://localhost/AppServer64/Service.rem.

  15. Click Next. The Patient Window URL page is displayed.
  16. Enter the URL to the Patient Window login page (Login.aspx).

    The specified Patient Window must be configured with the WebClientType setting set to html. This setting is located in the Patient Window Web.config file.

  17. Click Next. If you enabled identity impersonation, you are prompted for impersonation account credentials.
  18. If prompted, enter the impersonation account credentials.
    • In the User Name field, enter the domain and user name to use to run the IIS worker process for DeficiencyPop. This must be entered in the domain\username format.

    • In the Password field, enter the password for the user account provided.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password for the user account provided. This field is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.


    The impersonation account is granted modify rights to specific files and folders in the directory where DeficiencyPop is installed. The installer does not add modify rights for any other groups. If impersonation is not used, users may experience permissions errors when DeficiencyPop attempts to modify certain files.

  19. Click Next. The installer is now ready to install DeficiencyPop.
  20. Click Install.
  21. When the installation is complete, click Finish.
  22. Modify Web.config settings as needed. See Web.config Settings.