Building a DeficiencyPop URL - DeficiencyPop - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard


Foundation 23.1

Query string parameters customize how DeficiencyPop authenticates users and loads deficiencies. The following is an example of a DeficiencyPop URL with a query string:


This URL allows DeficiencyPop to be embedded (isembedded=true) and to select deficiency ID 151 by default (deficiencyID=151).

To create a DeficiencyPop URL, do the following:

  1. Begin with the URL to the DeficiencyPop login page. For example:
  2. Add a question mark (?) after Login.aspx.
  3. Append any necessary query string parameters to control how DeficiencyPop is displayed. See Query String Parameters for DeficiencyPop.
    • Add parameters to the query string in the format parametername=value, where parametername is the name of the parameter, and value is the intended value for the parameter.

    • When adding subsequent parameters, be sure to first type an ampersand (&), followed by the parameter.

    • If you are using an Oracle database, ensure query string values based on database values match the case of the value stored in the database.

    • If the Force Uppercase Alphanumeric Data Fields medical system setting is disabled (turned off), ensure query string values based on chart values match the case of the chart value stored in the database. This setting is configured under Medical | Medical System Settings in OnBase Configuration.