Query String Parameters for DeficiencyPop - DeficiencyPop - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 23.1

The following table describes parameters that may be included in the query string for DeficiencyPop.




Filters the deficiency list to show only deficiencies from the specified chart. If the value is blank, the parameter is ignored.

If an acctnum value may match multiple charts, then you may need to include an assigning authority. See Using Assigning Authorities.


Specifies the internal ID number of a deficiency to select by default when a signer logs in to DeficiencyPop. If the specified deficiency is not in the signer's queue, then the first deficiency in the list is selected by default.


Provides the OnBase Entrust token, which allows users to be authenticated using OnBase Entrust. For more information, see the Single Sign-On module reference guide.


Indicates whether external deficiencies should be displayed. The default value is true. Set this parameter to false if external deficiencies should not be displayed.


Allows DeficiencyPop to be embedded within an iframe. Set to true if DeficiencyPop is being embedded within an iframe. Set to false if no iframe is used.

When this parameter is true, DeficiencyPop is opened within its current browser window rather than within a new window.


Changes the viewing mode of the DeficiencyPop window.


If SMART on FHIR is configured for your environment, the mode parameter is required.

If the value is set to analysis, the Analysis window opens. The Analysis window is used by analysts to assign deficiencies to physicians. For more information on the Analysis window, see Analysis.

If the value is set to completion, the Completion window opens. The Completion window is used by physicians to review and sign documents with deficiencies. For more information on completing deficiencies, see Completing Deficiencies.


Filters the deficiency list to show only deficiencies from the specified Master Patient Index (MPI) number. If the value is blank, the parameter is ignored.

If an mpi value may match multiple MPIs, then you may need to include an assigning authority. See Using Assigning Authorities.


Filters the deficiency list to show only deficiencies from the specified Medical Record Number (MRN). If the value is blank, the parameter is ignored.

If an mrn value may match multiple MRNs, then you may need to include an assigning authority. See Using Assigning Authorities.


Provides the session ID of a valid, active OnBase session to be used by DeficiencyPop. Use this parameter if a custom application uses DeficiencyPop to retrieve deficiencies and the session needs to be controlled by the application.

Sessions cannot be shared among multiple Application Servers. The Application Server used by DeficiencyPop must be the same Application Server that created the session ID.

This parameter is not applicable to Epic authentication.


When the session ID is created through a custom application, the session will not automatically be disconnected by OnBase, and the license will remain in use. It is the responsibility of the application that creates the session ID to disconnect the session when it is done, which will release the license. For information about creating session IDs, see the Hyland SDK.