The DeficiencyPop URL must be configured to use the Epic Integration Parameters.
When DeficiencyPop is integrated with Epic, the only parameters that may appear in the query string are arg and isembedded, as shown in the following example:
https://server/DeficiencyPop/Login.aspx? arg= MbY6oWHi6ol47jnZEN%2FD3XJ2B%2FDpGE2ziO+l4a4FIBn4bvKpgm9qvxJUqRA8axOSQ5DFHa7kJFF3v0Xbzpd7BTDou3REmnma%2F8XCW76bK4E%3D &isembedded=true
The arg value provides the encrypted credentials and any other query string parameters needed for Epic users to log in to DeficiencyPop.