Submitting Documents for Correction - DeficiencyPop - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard


Foundation 23.1

The Add Correction button lets analysts submit corrections through DeficiencyPop to be completed by physicians. Workflow-based correction tasks remain available in the OnBase Patient Window. Corrections may be submitted to address issues that include the following:

  • Documents are filed to the wrong Document Type, patient, or encounter

  • Pages or duplicate documents need to be deleted

  • Pages are out of order

  • Pages need to be rotated

  • Documents need to be split

  • Document image quality is poor

The Add Correction button is enabled by default. If this button is unavailable, that means the Document Correction feature is disabled through the configuration file settings. For more information, see EnableDocumentCorrection.

To submit a document for correction:

  1. Select a document in the Analysis window.
  2. In the Document Viewer Toolbar, click the Add Correction button.

    The Add Correction dialog box is displayed.

  3. Available actions are listed on the Add Correction dialog box. Click the appropriate action for the type of correction needed.

    Available correction actions vary depending on your system's setup. For information about a correction action, rest your pointer over it. The action's help text is displayed. For additional information, contact your system administrator.

  4. The document is submitted.
    • If a confirmation message is displayed, click OK to close the confirmation message.

    • If a correction form is displayed, continue to the following topic, Completing a Correction Request Form.