Enabling Logging for Modules - Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console

Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console
Foundation 23.1

After configuring the Diagnostics Service or Diagnostics Console, you must enable logging for the OnBase modules you want to monitor.

  • To monitor .NET-based applications, such as the Web Server, you must modify the Hyland.Logging section in the applications' configuration files. For example, the Web Server's configuration file is named Web.config, and it resides in the AppNet directory following a typical Web Server installation. To enable logging in .NET applications, see Hyland.Logging.

  • The Diagnostics Console can also log verbose output from the OnBase Client when verbose logging is enabled. To enable verbose logging, see Logging Client Verbose Output.