Logging Workflow Trace Information - Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console

Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console
Foundation 23.1

You can log Workflow trace information to the Workflow Trace tab of the Diagnostics Console by completing the following steps:

  1. Ensure the Hyland.Logging section of the App Server's web.config has the minimum-level set to trace.
  2. Ensure that the obunity.exe.confi has the enableWorkflowDebugTrace value set to true.
  3. In the Unity Client, navigate to Workflow | Developer and select Enable Trace Messages.
  4. Ensure the Hyland Diagnostics Service is running on the Application Server.
  5. Ensure the OnBase Client from which you are accessing Workflow has the -WFTRACE command line switch applied:
  6. Ensure the OnBase Client from which you are accessing Workflow has the User Interface display option set to Core-based.
    You can check Workflow display options in the OnBase Client by selecting User | Workstation Options and clicking the Workflow Display Options tab. The User Interface option may be unavailable, depending on how Workflow options are configured in OnBase Configuration.
  7. Start the Diagnostics Console in remote mode on the client workstation and connect to the Application Server.
    The Diagnostics Console can also log Workflow trace information by running in local mode on the Application Server itself. In this case, the Hyland Diagnostics Service (step 4) is not required.

After completing these steps, you can log Workflow trace information to the Diagnostics Console by accessing Workflow in the OnBase Client and clicking the Trace button from the Workflow toolbar.


For more information about using Workflow trace logging, see the Workflow help files or module reference guide.